

1. 《論馬來西亞華人公會的派系政治:以梁維泮與陳群川黨爭為例》


刊載刊物:《東北師大學報(哲學社會科學版)》,Journal of Northeast Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)


2. 《“一帶一路”沿線東南亞國家的政黨輪替風險及中國應對》


刊載刊物:《當代世界與社會主義》,Contemporary World and Socialism,2018年05期


3. Ability, motivation, opportunity and sociodemographic determinants of Internet usage in Malaysia

作者:Adedapo Oluwaseyi Ojo,Chris Niyi Arasanmi,Murali Raman,Christine Nya-Ling Tan

刊載刊物:Information Development, Issue published date: September-01-2018


:Further to the binary notion of accessibility and lack of accessibility to digital technology, this study examines Internet usage as the outcome of choice made by an individual to use the Internet. In identifying the determinants of choice, this study integrates the social cognitive theory notion of the human agency with the ability-motivation-opportunity (AMO) framework. The results of path modeling analysis of the data collected from 270 respondents in Malaysia showed that digital skill was the most significant predictor of Internet usage. Opportunity and extrinsic motivation were also significant predictors, whereas intrinsic motivation had no significant effect on Internet usage. Besides, the findings revealed that the traditional sociodemographic determinants of the digital divide are still prevalent in Malaysia.


1. 《世界主要政黨規章制度文獻:馬來西亞》

編者:郭偉偉 叢書主編:俞可平




2. Constituting Religion: Islam, Liberal Rights, and the Malaysian State

作者:Tamir Moustafa,International Studies and Stephen Jarislowsky Chair at Simon Fraser University.


出版社:Cambridge University Press

內容摘要:Most Muslim-majority countries have legal systems that enshrine both Islam and liberal rights. While not necessarily at odds, these dual commitments nonetheless provide legal and symbolic resources for activists to advance contending visions for their states and societies. Using the case study of Malaysia, Constituting Religion examines how these legal arrangements enable litigation and feed the construction of a 'rights-versus-rites binary' in law, politics, and the popular imagination. By drawing on extensive primary source material and tracing controversial cases from the court of law to the court of public opinion, this study theorizes the 'judicialization of religion' and the radiating effects of courts on popular legal and religious consciousness. The book documents how legal institutions catalyze ideological struggles, which stand to redefine the nation and its politics. Probing the links between legal pluralism, social movements, secularism, and political Islamism, Constituting Religion sheds new light on the confluence of law, religion, politics, and society.

