

I always feel that the words related to light are super beautiful, moonlight, daylight, time, twilight, scenery, fluorescence, light and shadow, It seems that there are still many, I can't think of it for a while.



In short, all the words related to light are connected with dreams, power, openness and beauty, and there is one word that can cover them all-the pursuer.



The light is in front, I catch up with the light, run with it, advance together, the encounter between light and light is the most beautiful embrace. This is the light chaser, a person who can make all the trivial things in life assembling up, burst out of the energy of life, shine on their own, benefit others.



Three days ago, Academician Zhong Nanshan was awarded the "Republic Medal". At the medal meeting, he was vigorous and full of spirit, and he could not see that he was in his 80 s. On the road to pursuing his dreams, he is like a star that shines forever, bringing hope to the people.



Good people shine because they are chasing light. In the arduous work of epidemic prevention, there are countless light-seekers like Academician Zhong Nanshan, which has made our country see the light from the smog of the epidemic.



Life is rarely perfect, but where there are cracks, there must be sunshine. You can see the light of others and believe in your own strength.



So whenever and wherever we are, we must at least be our own light. Never give up hope, don't forget to do something warm to make the world a better place for us.



