LOL國外玩家對IG 3:0 G2的一些神評論 網友:這也太快樂了吧

在IG 3:0 橫掃G2之後國外的粉絲在推特上的一些回覆真是充滿了樂觀的氣息在這裡給大家分享一下

Thank you for blessing us with a fast series iG so we all can quickly return to playing Red Dead


IG playing like they all share one brain


This. Two languages but one brain, so impressive.


No wonder IG beat KT. They're so fucking clean


This game gave me bad solo queue flashbacks


Damn this looked like an SSW game


when Hjarnan is your best performing player in world's semis, you know you are fucked


IG lookin like 2015 Skt right now


we just witness a murder


Gold 2


forget Akali and Jayce, G2 need to find a way to ban Theshy from the game


no Korean teams and still can't stop the Koreans from carrying


Khan said 5 chinese can't win, so China figured out how to win the worlds.


Jayce just went from a 0% win rate at Worlds to a must ban in game 3


Western fans: Korean domination is over, the gap between KR and the West is closing.

Rookie and TheShy: Hold my beer



West: Get 3 teams into semis to give fans false hope


They made them look like fucking bots.




That looked like a scene from a horror movie. Hjarnan sitting there shooting TheShy over and over, but he just walks right through the bullets.


G2’s Game3: learning how to use Aatrox


Uzi baiting the entire League pro scene into thinking bot lane was key, when it was really solo laners all along.


That 4 man Aatrox Q felt like watching a Champion Spotlight from Riot where they get ridiculous unrealistic situations to make the champion look good.


Week of waiting for an hour of the gameplay...


First half of game 3: "Ok so the team that picks Aatrox loses"

Second half of game 3: "NVM"



Eyes On Curse Prevails


Paid by Wang Sicong




A well earned vacation at least. They did so much better than expected.


G2 got bullied harder than I did in middle school.


Beat RNG to give the west false hope........


FNC is the last hope of our village


Now, THAT'S the Worlds experience that I'm used to.


"Anyway, now some sexy cosplayers."


The C9 game is tomorrow, not today



That looked like a scene from a horror movie. Hjarnan sitting there shooting TheShy over and over, but he just walks right through the bullets.


LOL國外玩家對IG 3:0 G2的一些神評論 網友:這也太快樂了吧


LOL國外玩家對IG 3:0 G2的一些神評論 網友:這也太快樂了吧


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