12月21日雅思大作文參考範文 | 在家時間越來越少的原因及後果




Nowadays, many people spend less and less time at home. What are the reasons and what are the effects of this trend on individuals and on society?

12月21日雅思大作文參考範文 | 在家時間越來越少的原因及後果






12月21日雅思大作文參考範文 | 在家時間越來越少的原因及後果


第 1 段

The old tradition of spending as much time as possible together with family members seems irrelevant nowadays, as more and more people, willingly or unwillingly, cannot find time for their families.



(1) 本段提出現象:越來越多的人沒有時間來陪伴家人。

(2) Tradition 傳統

(3) Irrelevant 不相關的

第 2 段

One reason for this trend is that many people think it is more relaxing

to spend their off-work time with their friends in such places as tearooms or cafes. Listening to the light music, drinking coffee or tea, and casually chatting with their friends, they find that their fatigue, stress, and anxiety over a day's work are all gone. Intoxicated with this feeling, many people, especially the younger people, prefer to spend time in these places rather than going home.



(1) 本段論證很多人不回家的原因之一:和朋友在外面聚會感覺更放鬆。

(2) Relaxing 放鬆的

(3) Casually 隨意地

(4) Fatigue 疲勞

(5) Stress 壓力

(6) Gone 消失的

(7) Intoxicate 使陶醉

12月21日雅思大作文參考範文 | 在家時間越來越少的原因及後果

第 3 段

Another important reason is that many people simply cannot spend as much time at home as before, even if they want to, because they face increasing pressure from work. Some may be forced to work extra hours, and others may have to travel long distances for a business contract. Brian, my friend in the management position of an international company, told me yesterday that he had been on business trips and not seen his wife and kids for

three consecutive months!



(1) 本段討論人們不能在家的另外一個原因:因為工作原因不能留很多時間給家人。

(2) Work extra hours 加班

(3) Contract 合同

(4) On business trips 商務出差

(5) Three consecutive months 連續三個月

第 4 段

Personally, I do not think this is a positive trend.

As is known to all, the presence of parents at home is key to the healthy development of their kids. Many children who cannot often see their parents show a symptom known as emotional deficiency. Meanwhile, this trend is also harmful to the family relationship. If they spend less and less time at home, the husband and wife may feel estranged from each other. When children are not well brought up, family relationship not well maintained, then the entire society will suffer.



(1) 本段討論沒有時間在家的影響,強調對個人和社會的影響。

(2) Positive 積極的

(3) As is known to all 眾所周知

(4) Symptom 症狀

(5) Deficiency 缺失

(6) Estrange 使疏遠

(7) Bring up 撫養

(8) Maintain 維持


The old tradition of spending as much time as possible together with family members seems irrelevant nowadays, as more and more people, willingly or unwillingly, cannot find time for their families.

One reason for this trend is that many people think it is more relaxing to spend their off-work time with their friends in such places as tearooms or cafes. Listening to the light music, drinking coffee or tea, and casually chatting with their friends, they find that their fatigue , stress, and anxiety over a day's work are all gone. Intoxicated with this feeling, many people, especially the younger people, prefer to spend time in these places rather than going home.

Another important reason is that many people simply cannot spend as much time at home as before, even if they want to, because they face increasing pressure from work. Some may be forced to work extra hours, and others may have to travel long distances for a business contract. Brian, my friend in the management position of an international company, told me yesterday that he had been on business trips and not seen his wife and kids for three consecutive months!

Personally, I do not think this is a positive trend. As is known to all, the presence of parents at home is key to the healthy development of their kids. Many children who cannot often see their parents show a symptom known as emotional deficiency. Meanwhile, this trend is also harmful to the family relationship. If they spend less and less time at home, the husband and wife may feel estranged from each other. When children are not well brought up, family relationship not well maintained, then the entire society will suffer.

(285 words)


1. The old tradition of spending as much time as possible together with family members seems irrelevant nowadays, as more and more people, willingly or unwillingly, cannot find time for their families.


2. Listening to the light music, drinking coffee or tea, and casually chatting with their friends, they find that their fatigue, stress, and anxiety over a day's work are all gone.


3. Intoxicated with this feeling, many people, especially the younger people, prefer to spend time in these places rather than going home.


4. Brian, my friend in the management position of an international company, told me yesterday that he had been on business trips and not seen his wife and kids for three consecutive months!


5. When children are not well brought up, family relationship not well maintained, then the entire society will suffer.


