看動畫學英語|功夫熊貓:the point of…… is to……

最近在看電視劇版的 功夫熊貓:《蓋世傳奇》,發現裡面有很多實用的詞彙和句型,而且語速適中,比較適合練習聽力。所以花了些時間整理了一下里面的知識點。

看動畫學英語|功夫熊貓:the point of…… is to……



Shifu: Panda, you're next.

Ten seconds to get to the other side unscathed.

Po: Catlike reflexes.


Monkey: Two points for Monkey.

Lights out, Po.

Get off me.

Po: Po, five. Monkey, four.

Monkey: You can't count that.

Po: Sure, I can.

Shifu, that was a point, right?

Shifu: I don't care about your childish score-keeping, Panda.

Monkey, that was a deceitful, underhanded attack.

Good work.

The point of sneak-attack training is to do the unexpected.

Po: What?

Shifu: See? Unexpected.

Tigress, you and Crane are next.

Crane: Master Shifu, can we take five so I can go sterilize my beak with hot coals?

看動畫學英語|功夫熊貓:the point of…… is to……

看動畫學英語|功夫熊貓:the point of…… is to……

看動畫學英語|功夫熊貓:the point of…… is to……

看動畫學英語|功夫熊貓:the point of…… is to……


you can't count that.

t 是一個非常弱的音,一般來說,只要它後面出現輔音,t就會被吞掉。既然 t 不發音,那麼如何區分 can 和 can't呢?主要是根據重音和是否弱讀來判斷。can 在句子中往往弱讀成 [kən] ,不重讀,而是重讀動詞。而can't不能弱化,而且需要和動詞一起重讀。

現在你能分清 you can 和 you can't 了嗎?

看動畫學英語|功夫熊貓:the point of…… is to……

看動畫學英語|功夫熊貓:the point of…… is to……

