

第十一屆“《英語世界》杯”翻譯大賽得到杭州師範大學的大力支持,並由該校冠名本屆比賽。2020 年的翻譯大賽包含“英譯漢”和“漢譯英”兩個組別。大賽初評交給合辦院校的老師,以確保大賽評審的權威性和公信力。複評和終評我們將延續歷屆傳統,從全國各地邀請知名翻譯專家進行評審。


杭州師範大學 外國語學院






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1. 本校迴避制度:合辦院校本校參賽稿的初評概由《英語世界》編輯部負責評審,而不交由合辦院校本校教師評審。

2. 複審申訴制度:擬定複審名單通過《英語世界》微信公眾號發佈後,未能進入該名單的參賽者3日內有權提出申訴。提出申訴需另交90元的二次評審費用,申訴稿將邀請三位外部專家獨立負責二次評審;二次評審發現確屬初評失誤的,將退還二次評審費用,否則費用不予退還。大賽會根據申訴稿二次評審結果重新公佈最終入圍複審名單。















(節選自搜狐號“作家聯盟”2018 年 8 月 6 日文《一切文化最終都沉澱為人格》,選文標題及分段標記為大賽組委會另加,內容有刪節)


Confronting Modern Lifestyles(Excerpt)

By Tim Jackson and Carmen Smith

【1】Few people would disagree that modern society has changed dramatically in the course of only a few decades. These changes can be characterized in a variety of different ways. We can point, for example, to the growth in disposable incomes, to a massive expansion in the availability of consumer goods and services, to higher levels of personal mobility, increases in leisure expenditure and a reduction in the time spent in routine domestic tasks.

【2】We might highlight the gains in technological efficiency provided by an increasingly sophisticated knowledge base. Or the rising resource “footprint” of modern consumption patterns. Or the intensification of trade. Or the decline in traditional rural industries. Or the translocation of manufacturing towards the developing world. Or the emergence of the “knowledge” economy.

【3】We should certainly point out that these changes have been accompanied, and sometimes facilitated, by changes in the underlying institutional structures: the deregulation (or reregulation) of key industries, the liberalization of markets, the easing of international trade restrictions, the rise in consumer debt and the commoditization of previously noncommercial areas of our lives.

【4】We could also identify some of the social effects that accompanied these changes: a faster pace of life; rising social expectations; increasing divorce rates; rising levels of violent crime; smaller household sizes; the emergence of a “cult of celebrity”; the escalating “message density” of modern living; increasing disparities (in income and time) between the rich and the poor, the emergence of “postmaterialist” values; a loss of trust in the conventional institutions of church, family, and state; and a more secular society.

【5】It is clear, even from this cursory overview, that no simple overriding “good” or “bad” trend emerges from this complexity. Rather, modernity is characterized by a variety of trends that often seem to be set (in part at least) in opposition to each other. The identification of a set of “postmaterialist” values in modern society appears at odds with the increased proliferation of consumer goods. People appear to express less concern for material things, and yet have more of them in their lives.

【6】The abundance offered by the liberalization of trade is offset by the environmental damage from transporting these goods across distances to reach our supermarket shelves. The liberalization of the electricity market has increased the efficiency of generation, reduced the cost of electricity to consumers and at the same time made it more difficult to identify and exploit the opportunities for end-use energy efficiency.

【7】To take another example, the emergence of the knowledge economy has increased the availability and the value of information. Simultaneously, it has intensified the complexity of ordinary decision-making in people’s lives. As Nobel laureate Hebert Simon has pointed out, information itself consumes scarce resources. “What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention, and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it”. This consuming effect of information makes the concept of “informed choice” at once more important and at the same time more difficult to achieve in modern society.

【8】These examples all serve to illustrate that modern lifestyles are both complex and haunted by paradox. This is certainly one of the reasons why policy makers have tended to shy away from the whole question of consumer behavior and lifestyle change. It is clear nonetheless that coming to grips with consumption patterns, understanding the dynamics of lifestyle and influencing people’s attitudes and behaviors are all essential if the kinds of deep environmental targets demanded by sustainable development are to be achieved.



