

他集“詩、書、畫、印”為一身,融金石書畫為一爐,被譽為“石鼓篆書第一人”、“文人畫最後的高峰”。在繪畫、書法、篆刻上都是旗幟性人物,在詩文、金石等方面均有很高的造詣。吳昌碩熱心提攜後進,齊白石、王一亭、潘天壽、陳半丁、趙雲壑、王個簃、沙孟海等均得其指授。 1927年11月29日,吳昌碩逝於上海寓所。



英文名稱:Wu changshuo green landscape painting






















魏啟後(1920年—2009 年12月9日),男,1920年生於山東濟南,書法家。作為山東書法藝術的領軍人物,魏啟後先生對當代山東的書法發展產生了重要的影響,許多後學,都得到他藝術探索的沾溉。他的藝術成就,獲得了廣泛的社會認同,贏得了良好的國際聲譽。




英文名稱:Wei qihou calligraphy





























英文翻譯:Not according to the ancient law but horizontal sky

Fan hong [writer, painter, art critic]

In the modern Chinese literary circle, Mr. Wei qihou is a great master whom I have always admired. I had two visits to Mr.

Calligraphy art, high character, rich learning, writing without dust. Noble personality and profound cultural accomplishment are the foundation of Mr. Wei's calligraphy. He will character, knowledge, talent, thought into the painting and calligraphy, so his calligraphy, painting case high charm beauty, detached from the vulgar.

"Heaven and earth let me quiet, fame and fortune busy. Because the clock is empty and sound far, bamboo guilty square high section. Mr. Wei once wrote in the article: "' the vicissitudes of the world have justice, the heart of the heart painting from the calligraphy. Clear huai see alone, but for peace of mind, pen and ink congenial, capricious......" It shows that he does not admire a false reputation, not the benefit of money, indifferent to the good attitude of leisure. Many people advised him to raise the price of his calligraphy, but he refused.

Calligraphy should have spirit, bearing, charm, deep interest, long aftertaste. Mr. Wei qi-hou's calligraphy style is a great way to understand the aesthetic consciousness and fashion of the jin people in wei dynasty, to study the style of zhong wang's writing which changed from li to kai, and the excellent classic inscription from qin, han, wei, jin, tang, song and yuan dynasties. Life of reading without dropping, heat and cold does not move, to the old mi du. He is unique, self-expression of the spirit, the han jian brushwork, into the line, cursive art creation to form his own style of calligraphy

Mountain, punctured green croe not damaged. Heaven fall, rely on them.

The famous phrase comes from the battle of xiangjiang in 1934, when the red army broke through the fourth blockade set by the kuomintang army, but paid a heavy price. On the way of marching over mountains and mountains, MAO zedong wrote the "sixteen words command three" : mountain, the horse did not get off the saddle. Look back, three feet from three days. Mountains, the sea and the river. Galloping horses fight furiously. Mountain, punctured green croe not damaged. Heaven fall, rely on them.

Mr. Wei qi-hou, former director of Chinese calligrapher's association, honorary chairman of shandong calligrapher's association and famous calligrapher, passed away in jinan at 12:05 on December 9, 2009, aged 90 years old.

At present, collectors like to collect dead modern painters, because it is not renewable, the value of soaring, and this work is the peak of teacher wei's work, is the treasure of the box at the bottom of teacher wei, collection by fate. Wu changshuo (August 1, 1844 -- November 29, 1927), early name jun, also known as jun qing, word changshuo, and department cangang stone, cangshi, many other names, common people are cangshuo, Lao cangang, old fou, bitter iron, big deaf, fou daoren, stone, etc. People from zhang wu village, xiaofeng county, zhejiang province (today's anji county, huzhou city). Famous Chinese painter, calligrapher, seal cutter, representative of the "post-shanghai school", the first President of hangzhou xiling printing society, and li liangyu, zhao zhiqian as the three representative figures of the "new zhejiang school", together with ren bonian, pu hua and xu gu as "the four masters of the Shanghai school in the late qing dynasty".

His collection of "poetry, calligraphy, painting, printing" as a whole, the melting of calligraphy and painting for a furnace, known as "the first shichu seal>

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: wu changshuo green landscape painting

English name: Wu changshuo green landscape painting

Specification: one piece

Category: calligraphy and painting

Photo: collectible

In the calligraphy field: qi guan pen, ink off yun color, meaning to save the pen first, the whole work of xiao qiao water, on the left hand hand: view organ enjoy free and unfettered song music anji, wu changshuo. Writing skills, like seal cutting, and wu changshuo is the name of the seal cutting, unique knife is the representative of the characters at that time.

This work USES a variety of mineral pigments, which is why the calligraphy and painting after years still gorgeous as malachite green grass adopted grind powder, castle peak, paintings do red leaves with ocher grind powder paint for leaf for sleeve, character coat with a sky blue turquoise grind powder painting, is a slow tempo society, ancient painters will have more time for creation, often a pair of high-quality goods spent dozens of days or even months.

Characters in figure walking on the arch bridge, his arm very exaggerated, because the ancient gentleman has not too big, behavior and movement range greatly in painting, writing the author throw constraints, character cheerful comfortable, this kind of happiness can be transmitted through work, small make up saw this picture thought no pressure in the heart, body and mind cheerful, very want to go out for a walk for an outing.

This part is a piece of grass that the figure in the picture is about to reach. The grass surface is smooth, with red leaves, which makes people want to stay and have a rest for a while. But if you continue to walk, you will turn.

If you are satisfied with the present, you may spend your time on this green land. If you change the turn and walk, you will have a higher achievement. The final goal is to have a house.

Influenced by his father in his youth, he liked to write and stamp books.

Learn yan lu gong, then learn zhong yuan chang; Li calligraphy learned Chinese stone carvings; Influenced by deng shiru, zhao zhiqian, etc., the method of using the pen in the initial study of zhuan stone drum, later in the "stone drum" in the fusion. Running>

Wu changshuo seal cutting from the "zhejiang school", after specializing in han seal, but also by deng shizu, wu renzhi, zhao zhiqian and other people, is good at white space, or diagonal interdicted oblique, high weather, composition of a strong sense of volume. The knife melts in the pen, seal cutting male and charming, clumsy and simple, ugly and beautiful, ancient now, and change. Taking ding yi from the top, qin and han from the bottom, with a "blunt edge" carving knife, the combination of qian song, wu huazhi cut, blunt two knife methods.

Wu changshuo, on the basis of inheriting the excellent achievements of the punching and cutting methods of his predecessors, integrates the strengths of various families, and continuously explores the two methods of punching and cutting in a large number of seal cutting practices, so as to form his own punching and cutting method. This kind of knife method is flexible, or punch with cutting, or cut with punching, or even cut with cutting...... This kind of changeful knife method, blunt knife of fierce benefit, very strong, straightforward and cut the implicature of the knife, simple and simple be in harmony with an organic whole, will book meaning and knife meaning show incisively and vividly, make his seal cutting knife method vigorous muddy pumaomao in the elegant individuality characteristic protruding come out. Together with li liangyu and zhao zhiqian, he is the representative of the "new zhejiang school".

This is the end of the painting, where the characters will go. At the end of the painting, the background is blurred with light ink, which forms a contrast with the white water of the waterfall, giving people the feeling of cloud and mist enveloping, even fairyland.

The green landscape in qichang is very rare and its collection value is inestimable.

Wei qihou (1920 -- December 9, 2009), male, born in jinan, shandong province in 1920, calligrapher. As a leading figure of shandong calligraphy art, Mr. Wei qi-hou has exerted an important influence on the development of contemporary calligraphy in shandong. His artistic achievements have won wide social recognition and a good international reputation.

He used to be the director of the Chinese book association, member of the creation evaluation committee of the Chinese book association, vice chairman of the shandong book association, director of the shandong branch of the China association for international friendship and liaison, member of the standing committee of the jinan CPPCC, consultant of jinan painting academy, and vice President of jinan poetry association. He was the honorary President of the provincial calligraphy association and the consultant of shandong painting academy.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: wei qihou calligraphy

English name: Wei qihou calligraphy

Specification: two

Category: calligraphy and painting

Photo: collectible

Bamboo double phoenix tail planted pine old dragon scales

If you plant bamboo, it grows like a phoenix's tail. Plant a pine tree, which is known for its dragon - scaly bark. The appearance of phoenix tail and dragon scale, probably refers to the bamboo and pine tree planted better when the form of youdao.

What it really means: to do everything well.

Mr. Wei qihou has been immersed in the art of calligraphy and painting for seventy years and has made great achievements. His calligraphy, on the one hand, adopted the classical artistic language of jin, tang, song and yuan dynasties, and possessed profound traditional skills. On the other hand, he also used the unearthed two han dynasty slips from the 20th century, full of a strong sense of innovation. His works of cursive writing and chapter cursive writing broke through the barriers of previous calligraphers in various aspects, such as brushwork, word writing, chapter writing and ink writing, and formed his own strong personal style. He created a new style by combining the traditional Chinese calligraphy with the traditional Chinese calligraphy, which is an important contribution of contemporary calligraphy to the historical development of calligraphy.

Wei qihou teacher's calligraphy and painting a prime, a mention, like a single knife inserted, the stroke is very strong, imposing, its hanging needle vertical as a cliff.

Signature is used in the old cinnabar, non - modern chemical raw materials, the type of neat, identified by experts as the real teacher wei no doubt.

