

1. 這個八歲的男孩酷愛彈鋼琴,以致於他堅持練琴叄年了。

The eight-year-old girl likes playing the piano ______much ______he has kept ______ for three years.

2. 我母親經常在星期日打掃衛生,洗衣服。

My mother usually ______ some cleaning and ______ on Sundays.

3. 在今晚的聚會上我們肯定會玩得痛快。

We're ______ to have ______ at the party this evening.

4. 由於天氣不好,校運會不得不推遲。

______ ______ the bad weather, the school sports meet had to ______ ______ ______.

5. 保護環境和發展經濟同樣重要。

Protecting environment is ______ ______ ______ developing economy.

6. 你是怎樣與你的鄰居相處融洽的?

______ can you get on well ______ your neighbours?

7. 劉老師是位非常親切的老師,以致於我們把她當做自己的母親。

Mrs. Liu is ______ ______ kind teacher______ we ______ her ______ our mother.

8. 他問我今天是否有空。

He asks me ______today.

9. 下定決心努力學習吧,你遲早會成功的。

Make______ ______ ______to work hard, ______ you'll succeed ______ ______ ______.

10. 李明是個熱心腸的人,他經常幫助那些有困難的人。

Li Ming is a warm-hearted man and he often ______ the people in trouble ______.


1. so, that, practicing。表示"如此......以致......"用句型so+形容詞或副詞+that...;表示"堅持 / 不斷 / 反覆做某事"用keep doing sth。

2. does; washing。表示"搞衛生、洗衣服、買東西、看書、跑步"等,可用do some cleaning / washing / shopping / reading / running。注意一般現在時,主語是第三人稱單數時,謂語動詞要用單數形式,所以do 要用does。

3. sure; fun。表示"肯定會、一定會做某事"用be sure to do sth 表示"玩得痛快"用have fun, have a good time或enjoy oneself。注意fun是不可數名詞,前面不能用a。

4. Thanks to / Because of, be put off。注意此處"推遲"要用被動語態。

5. as important as表示"一樣 / 同樣......"的as...as之間用形容或副詞的原級。其否定式,表示"不如......"時,第一個as還可用so替代。

6. How; with。表示"與某人相處融哈"用句型get on well with sb。

7. such a, that, regard, as。其中such a kind a teacher還可說成so kind a teacher;regard sb as...把某人看作......。

8. if I'm free / if I have time。表示"是否"用if或whether引導賓語從句。

9. up your mind, and, sooner or later。因為表示"下定決心做某事"用make up one's mind to do sth;表示"遲早,總有一天"用sooner or later。

10. gives, a hand。因為give sb a hand (with sth)=give a hand to sb (with sth) = help sb (with sth)幫助某人(做某事)。



1. 來吧,孩子們!該吃晚飯了。

Come on, children. ______ ______ to have lunch,

2. 這些新汽車是中國製造的。

These new cars are ______ ______ ______.

3. 每天多喝水對你有好處。

To drink more water every day is ______ ______ ______.

4. 昨天因為交通擁堵,他們上學遲到了。

They ______ ______ ______ school because of the heavy traffic yesterday.

5. 稍微休息一下後,他又繼續看英文報紙。

After a short rest, he went ______ ______English newspapers.

6. 昨天晚上我在忙於為考試做準備。

Yesterday evening I ______ ______ ______ ready ______ the examination.

7. 他們遇到了很大的麻煩,讓我們來幫助他們吧,

They are now in great trouble. ______ ______ ______.

8. 你一到長沙就給我打個電話好嗎?

Will you please call me______ ______ ______ you ______Changsha?

9. 我父親過去常常抽菸,但最近已經戒了。

My father used ______ ______, but he has______ it ______ recently.

10. 這幅畫很美,讓我看看吧。

The picture is beautiful. Let's ______ ______ ______ at it.


1. It's time。表示"該做......"或"是做......的時候了"用句型It's time to do sth或It's time for sth

2. made in China。表示"(由)某地製造"用be made in,注意make用過去分詞made。

3. good for you。表示"對......有好處"用be good for sb,若表示"對......有害處"就用be bad for。

4. were late for。表示"......遲到了"用be late for。主語they是複數,由yesterday可知用一般過去式,所以be用were。

5. on, reading。表示"繼續做某事"用go on doing sth。

6. was, busy, getting, for。表示"忙於做某事"是be busy doing sth或be busy with sth;表示"為......做準備"是get ready for sth或prepare for sth。

7. Let's help them。用以提出建議,表示"讓我們做......吧"用句型let's do sth。

8. as soon as, reach。表示"一......就......"用連詞as soon as引導一個時間狀語從句;需要注意的是在時間狀語從句中用一般現在時代替一般將來時。

9. to smoke, given, up。表示"過去常常做某事"用used to do sth,若表示"習慣做某事"則用be used to doing sth;表示"放棄 / 戒掉"用give up。

10. Let me have a look (at it).或Let me look at it。表示請求允許,"讓某人做某事"就用句型let sb do sth。


  1. 我父親叫我努力學習。

  My parents told me _______ _______ _______.

  2. 我發現學好英語很容易。

  I find ______ ______ ______ study English well.

  3. 他希望我能同他們一道去。

  He _______ me ______ ______ with them.

  4. 我很忙,我有許多衣服要洗。

  I'm very busy. I have a lot of _______ ______ ______.

  5. 不知道為什麼那麼早就出發。

  I don't know ______ ______ ______ so early.

  6. 為什麼不把窗戶關上?

  Why ______ _______ the window?

  7. 他要我在外面等了一個小時。

  He ______ me ______ outside for an hour.

  8. 老師說他有一個重要的會議要參加。

  The teacher said that he ______ an important meeting ______ ______.

  9. 要及時完成這工作很難。

  _____ _____ very difficult ______ ______ the work in time.

  10. 他老了,不能做工作了。

  He is not ______ _______ ______ do any work.



  1. to, study, hard 2. it, easy, to

  3. wishes, to, go 4. clothes, to, wash

  5. why, we'll, start 6. not, close [shut]

  7. made [had], wait 8. had, to, attend

  9. It, is, to, finish 10. young, enough, to

