如何能達到涅槃的境界?(二)| How Can the Realm of Nibbāna be Reached?(Part 2)



如何能達到涅槃的境界?(二)| How Can the Realm of Nibbāna be Reached?(Part 2)


How can the realm of Nibbāna be reached?


(2) Meditation or concentration (Samādhi) is a peaceful and tranquil state of mind neither drowsy nor perturbed. It is a necessary practice for general religious practitioners in India, especially for Buddhists in their cultivation. With concentration, the practitioner can distance himself from coarse distinctions of rapture and joy in the body and mind, depart from sense desire (kāma), and gradually develop ease and peace of body and mind, and finally place mind or thought in any chosen state, tranquil, stable and undisturbed. Such meditation can lead to the acquisition of a pure and correct wisdom. Regarding meditation, there are four stages of trance (cattāri jhānāni) and four higher stages of non-material trance (cattāro arūpa-samādhi) within this world; and there are nine stages of meditation (nava anupubbavihāra samāpattiyo) and three kinds of meditation (tayo samādhī) beyond this world. Through meditation or concentration, wisdom can be acquired.


Source: Answer to Common Questions

about Buddhism, by Zhao Puchu


Translated by: Zhao Tong


English Editor: Michael Crook


Proofread by: Beijing Longquan Monastery Translation Center

