每日一詞∣數字基礎設施建設 construction of digital infrastructure

工信部表示,我國將加快數字基礎設施建設和應用的技術研究,加大5G增強技術、6G技術研發支持力度,推動創新鏈、產業鏈、資金鍊、政策鏈的精準對接。China will step up efforts to expedite technological research on the construction and application of digital infrastructure, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). More support should be provided to the research and development of 5G enhancement technology and 6G technology, while the accurate matching of innovation, industrial, capital and policy chains should be promoted.




【重要講話】中國高度重視大數據產業發展,願同各國共享數字經濟發展機遇,通過探索新技術、新業態、新模式,共同探尋新的增長動能和發展路徑。China attaches great importance to the development of the big data industry, and is willing to share opportunities of the digital economy's development with other countries and jointly explore new growth drivers and development paths by exploring new technologies, new business forms and new models.——2019年5月26日,習近平向2019中國國際大數據產業博覽會致賀信

【相關詞彙】推動產業升級advance industrial upgrading

大數據big data

人工智能artificial intelligence

