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Beijing yukangyuan academy is the national administration of traditional Chinese medicine international exchange promotion project, is China - Arab health industry alliance members, is a professional training center in legal education qualifications. The center adheres to the purpose of "five minutes of diagnosis, three seconds of effect", "cultivating talents in the industry and serving human health", to meet the needs of different levels and categories.

The clinical treatment of characteristic green therapy is very extensive and has the characteristics of short effect and quick effect. At home and abroad, has a broad influence and good treatment effect, to meet the demands of the broad masses of medical workers and the Chinese medicine enthusiasts learn,Beijing yukangyuan academy is the national administration of traditional Chinese medicine international scientific research training center in the long-term training teaching, has accumulated rich experience in training management and clinical, whether in the curriculum, schedules, hiring of teacher, teaching material selection, and so on various aspects can do science is rigorous, has the unique feature. It has gradually formed the brand of education, which is featured with green natural therapy and good reputation.

The culture of Chinese traditional medicine is profound and profound. Now people more and more pay attention to health care, and to choose health care innumerable. Medicine pay attention to prevent disease, cure disease, nip in the bud is the key to health care. Nowadays, health care is not only loved by 1.3 billion people, but more and more international friends are joining the industry. Features a needle a jar of therapy of traditional Chinese medicine is one of the kind of treatment method, referred to as "needle therapy, the treatment from the external treatment, effects on the body's various meridians, acupuncture points, nerve, and to balance to the whole body disease control, repair, and improve, so as to achieve the purpose of cure. Characteristic green therapy can treat disease of traditional Chinese medicine has more than 300, 100 for a variety of common disease, frequently-occurring disease treatment effect is very good, the world health organization recommends a variety of disease can use characteristic green therapy for treatment of traditional Chinese medicine. Such as: facial paralysis, cervical spondylosis, periarthritis of shoulder, lumbar disease, hyperplasia of knee joint, stroke sequela, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, bronchial asthma, chronic disease and allergic disease, and all kinds of pain and so on all have certain curative effect.

You also must be very want to know and learn more about Chinese medicine keeping in good health care knowledge, here have many for you let you nourishes the life of traditional Chinese medicine keeping in good health knowledge, can also provide you with a platform to create wealth!

Training program:

(1) Chinese medicine features a acupuncture and a cupping therapy

(2) The treatment of pricking blood therapy with cupping for traditional Chinese medicine.

(3) Traditional Chinese medicine characteristic diagnosis back treatment..

(4) Nutrition and health of traditional Chinese medicine.

(5) The method of color morphological hand diagnosis.

Beijing yukangyuan academy of traditional Chinese medicine, you are welcome to visit!

