


In fact, according to one report by The Scholarship Hub, UK students are potentially missing out on over £150 million in unclaimed scholarships each year. These schemes vary from teaching to engineering degrees, but cast the net wider, and you've much more to play with. The organisation claims half of scholarships are struggling to be filled with some receiving just 50 applicants in total.


potentially】adv. 可能地、潜在地。

struggling】adj. v. 奋斗的、努力的、斗争。

1、 素食主义者奖学金


If you've an exceptional circumstance, are below the age of 26 and are a vegetarian (or vegan), you may qualify for a one off award of up to £500. It's provided for by the Vegetarian Charity and aimed at all vegetarians in need.

2、 合唱团奖学金

这年头连合唱团都能申请奖学金了?在埃克塞特大教堂(Exeter Cathedral)设立了一个合唱奖学金计划,如果你是在埃克塞特大学(The University of Exeter)学习音乐的话,就有可能获得3000英镑的奖学金。而且,这些奖学金是可以持续三年有效的。看来合唱团申请奖学金也是很方便的!!

Budding singers could be eligible for up to £3,000 a year if they study at Exeter University (or plan to), thanks to the Exeter Cathedral Choral Scholarship Programme. There are 6-8 choral scholars in the church's choir, with a similar number of Lay Vicars and 20 boy or girl choristers. If you fit the bill, you may be able to get money off your course fees.


choristers】n. 唱诗班歌手。



The Leverhulme Trade Charities Trust offers bursaries of up to £3,000 a year to UK students who are the children, spouse, widow or widower of a Commercial Traveller, chemist or grocer and are in need of financial support.

4、 高尔夫球奖学金

不单单是合唱团可以申请奖学金,擅长打高尔夫的学生也能申请奖学金了,当然前提你得是顶尖的高尔夫球手。要是还在大型比赛中获过奖的,你也可以申请高达5000英镑的奖学金。那么有哪些大学可以申请到这个高尔夫奖学金呢?据说有17所英国大学都提供了这个奖学金申请,包括伯明翰大学(University of Birmingham)、圣安德鲁斯大学(University of St Andrews)等,在8月1日至9月30日之间发送申请表就可以了。(不过,这个奖学金还真是不好申请啊!)

If you're a top golfer with an impressive guideline handicap of +1 (for men) and +3 (for women), or have recently been offered a place in a national squad, you may be able to claim a Royal & Ancient Golf Scholarship of up to £5,000 at one of 17 universities.

5、 英国海军家属奖学金

Portsmouth university in conjunction with the Greenwich Hospital Charity, has a bursary designed for anyone that is the child of an ex-Navy worker. To qualify, you must have a parent who is a serving or retired Royal Navy or Royal Marine personnel.

6、 想拯救世界奖学金


The Desmond Tutu Scholarship at Kings College, University of London, is worth up to £1,000 and is for students in financial need, who can also prove a commitment to improving the lives of people in developing nations. There are 18 scholarships available, and all applicants must be undergraduates applying to King’s College London.

7、 威尔士语奖学金


Students studying subjects through the medium of Welsh can apply for up to £1,500 through The Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Scholarship - which, if successful, will be paid out at £500 a year.

8、 优秀学生奖学金

优秀的学生不管是在哪里都能轻松申请奖学金。被评为优秀学生就有资格申请利物浦约翰摩尔斯大学(Liverpool John Moores University)副校长提供的奖学金,而且这个奖学金还高达10000英镑!不过前提是,你的第一个大学必须就是利物浦约翰摩尔斯。

A more traditional approach, outstanding students with a minimum of three grade As at A2 level or equivalent (144 UCAS points from three units) could be eligible for a Vice Chancellor's Scholarship at Liverpool John Moores University for up to £10,000 a year.



