
look out: used to warn someone that they are in danger (提醒處於危險中的人)注意! 當心!

"Are there any more of your friends I should look out for?" (你還有我需要小心的其他朋友嗎?)----美劇《老友記》

dazzle 美 ['dæzl]: to make someone feel strong admiration 使〔某人〕傾倒

"The first lady dazzled in her strapless champagne gown, the creation of an Indian-born designer." (第一夫人的無肩帶禮服令人著迷,這是一名印度設計師的傑作)----CNN News

"If you want to dazzle, you got to take razzles." (想要引人注目就得酷炫)----美劇《開心漢堡店》

dazzle me就是驚豔我吧,讓我為之傾倒吧,用於網絡熱詞的話也可以說是亮瞎我的眼吧,當然這裡指的是露一手讓我為之傾倒,是褒義,而不是貶義的辣眼睛。

rough: not exact, not containing many details, or not in a final form 不確切的,粗略的,大致的

a rough sketch of the house 房子的圖 a rough estimate of the cost 對成本的粗略估計----有道英語

That's all for today

April 27, 2018. XOXO