
1. Nose-picking 抠鼻子

It's embarrassing to pick your nose in front of others. If you need to clean your nose, please do it when you are alone.


(1) 中文里有“挖鼻孔、挖鼻屎”,但是英文一般不说pick your nostril或者take out your booger。

(2) Pick:抠、挖;同理,抠耳朵是pick your ear,抠屁股是pick your bottom,抠肚脐是pick your bellybutton。

2. Picking at acne 抠包

Stop picking at your acne. You'll only make it worse.


细心的用户会发现,抠鼻子的“抠”用的是pick,抠包的“抠”用的是pick at,为什么呢?小雅向美国朋友讲述了自己分析的原因,美国朋友觉得很有道理(小恶,介意的同学可以跳过):小雅发现在某一个空间里抠一般用pick,在某一点上抠用pick at,除了上面的例子,还有:抠饼干是pick at your cookie。

3. Putting hand in mouth 吃手

It's very unsanitary to put your hand in your mouth. Please take it out quickly.


4. Biting finger nails 咬指甲

It's a bad habit to bite your finger nails. Your hands are covered in bacteria.


5. Uncovered sneezing or coughing 打喷嚏或咳嗽时没捂嘴

Please cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough. You don't want to pass germ to others.


6. Crawling on the floor 在地上爬

You are not a little baby anymore, try not to crawl on the floor.


7. Walking on tippy toes 踮脚尖走路

Stop walking on your tippy toes. You are not dancing a ballet.


8. Hunching over 驼背,slouching 耸肩

Don't hunch over or slouch. Please keep your back straight.


9. Indian style 盘腿,crossing legs 跷二郎腿

You'd better not sit Indian style or sit with your legs crossed. It will hurt your back.


10. Biting pencil end 咬铅笔头

You should not bite the end of your pencil. It's toxic.


11. Eating food off the floor 捡地上的东西

Don't pick up food on the floor and eat it. It's very dirty.


Table Manners 餐桌礼仪

12. Rubbing dirty hands on clothes 脏手往衣服上蹭

It's wrong to rub your dirty hands on your clothes. Please use the napkins.


13. Wiping mouth with sleeve 用袖子擦嘴

It's not a good habit to wipe your mouth with your sleeve after eating. Please go to the bathroom and wash your mouth.


14. Slurping 吸溜

Don't slurp your soup. You should learn good table manners.


15. Mouth-smacking 吧唧嘴

It's impolite to smack your mouth while eating. It looks a little wired.


16. Talking with mouth full 嘴里有东西的时候说话

It's rude to talk with your mouth full. Please speak after you finish swallowing.


17. Double dipping 蘸第二次

Don't double dip when you share sauce with people. It's gross.
