
coming your way 来了!这就来!这里的语境是厨师要给Ben嘴里甩烤肉了,就说来了。表示注意!烤肉要来了,张好嘴巴。

dare: If you dare someone to do something, you challenge them to prove that they are not frightened of doing it. 向…挑战

"We were goofing around, and I dare him to try them on." (我们只是闹着玩,我打赌不敢穿上它们)----美剧《老友记》

就是一种激将法,dare sb to do sth 就是我赌你不敢做某事。

what is it taste like? 这尝起来是什么味道呀?

That’s all for today

August 9, 2018. XOXO