
尚怀云 生活禅时代 今天

2018年第52期 | 总第 70 期 | 97日出版

播音 | 林会峰(中文) 耀勇(英文)

67 恭送十里惜别







67 Respectfully accompanying the Master for ten miles and then departing in sorrow

Wen Hsien (Erudite Worthy) offered the Master clothes, provisions and money for traveling expenses, all of which he refused. When he left, Wen Hsien accompanied him, carrying his bags more than ten miles. Weeping, he returned. It was the first day of the fifth lunar month and the Master headed for Hsin Chou (Happy County). There is a proverb that says, “People draw near men of the Way and honor those with virtue.” The Venerable Wen Hsien was unable to detain the Master for very long. From this, We can see that the Master did not waver in fulfilling his vows.

The verse says:

A true cultivator of the Way does not yearn after emotions.

His mind became like ordinary water-insipid and flavorless.

Contemplating the myriad things in stillness with self-mastery,

View the splendid turnings of the four seasons shared among us all.

68 官人代送衣单







68 An official offering to take his bags

Early one morning when the Master was bowing along the road. a horse-drawn carriage came up from behind, The carriage moved slowly without overtaking him. The Master moved out of the way, but the vehicle came to a stop and an official got out and asked, “Why is Venerable Master prostrating himself on the road?” The Master told him. The official was also a native of Hsiang-hsiang, so they chatted pleasantly, He told the Master, “I am presently staying at Pai Yun Monastery in O K’ou, which is on the route to Wu Tai. I can take your bag there for you if you wish.” The Master accepted, thanked him, and they parted.

The verse says:

The official born in the county of Hsiang recognized Great Virtue.

And offered to take the Master’s bag to Pai Yun Monastery.

After this the Master traveled light and continued bowing along.

His remarkable vow nearing completion, and the joy in his heart was great.