
前段时间,外国Quora网站贴出一个问题:非洲人真的认为中国关心他们吗?(Do Africans really think that China cares about them?),引起了国外网友热议,让我们看看他们是怎么说的。


Richard Ali, I’m a Nigerian who believes in an African identity and the continent’s history.

Answered Fri

China is an honest dealer. What you see is what you get. And they are here to trade. After the duplicitous, manipulative, hypocritical relations with the West, no African or country thinks “care” is an important ingredient for anything other than raising biological children. In fact, we categorically reject being “cared” for. We are, precisely, not filial. On this we have no illusions.

China’s intervention in Africa will have the same effect as FDR’s New Deal. Already we are seeing effects. The West had its chance but after colonialism and neocolonialism, they still deployed ruinous Structural Adjustment policies predicated on earlier “loans” that masked massive illegal money flows to Western corporations. We are still trying to crawl out of the massive dislocations of that “adjustment” so spare us the care thank you.

China wants markets, we have it. Africa wants technological expertise, China has it. Give me China any day.

3.9k Views · 332 Upvotes




译文来源:Quora中文网 http://quora123.com/366.html

David Dasa, MBBS from Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto (2018)

Answered Fri

Nope. Because China is not our mother.

What do you think international relations is all about anyway? Making friends and singing kumbaya? Well sorry to burst your bubble it’s not.

Everyone on the international stage is all about one thing. Their interest.

In geopolitics these guys will eat you up. Nobody comes to the power game looking for a friend.




I’m definitely not a “down with the West” kind of guy, but it truly surprises me how many Westerners think their countries are generous, benevolent angels, when the truth is that for the past few centuries the western countries have been the most brutal players of the game.

So when we see China offer deals to African nations, nobody sees these as acts of selfless sacrifice. Everyone sees it as what it is – Partnership.

China has goals to achieve, and seeks to spread the influence of Chinese corporations around the world. African nations need infrastructure. We team up because of our interest. I don’t know why this should be surprising.




China is not our mother.

And the fact that China does not care about how we run our countries also shows that it is a partner that loves to mind it’s own business.

Bilateral relations are formed because of interest.

NATO exists because of interest.

On the international stage there is no permanent friend and no permanent enemy, only permanent interest.

4.2k Views · 405 Upvotes · Answer requested by Danette Morara





Callan Chua, Been Learning how to make it in China for the past 10 years.

Answered Fri

No, I don’t think Africans thinks that way. That’s what people who are full of themselves and think they are above the Africans tries to think about Africans.

They think that Africans needs care and concern because it’s a great place to justify their own goodness in the world, when what Africans really need is trade, stable economy and governance, infrastructure and technology to harvest their natural resources efficiently.



China doesn’t care about Africans because they look at them as equals with the same potential as themselves. If China looks down on them, Chinese would not have asked for interests for their loans, because there is no point in asking for interest if they don’t think they can afford it. In fact, there would be no loans to Africans if they think they can’t pay them back at all. It’s simple business. You only loan money to those whom you know can pay you back and you only charge interest on those whom you know has that ability to pay those interest.



And if you think that the Chinese got to be the 2nd or biggest economy in the world from one of being the world poorest in 70 years by being bad businessmen, you really need a good lesson on common sense.

So no, the Chinese don’t care about the Africans and the Africans don’t think that the Chinese really care about them. It’s the realisable potential of Africans that China’s see and Africans appreciates that China is able to see them as equals.

If you really think you really care about Africans, I say you put your money where your mouth is.

2.9k Views · 145 Upvotes




Innocent Masengo, Research Associate

Answered Fri

I am African. And this is what I think. China does not give a damn about Africa. Neither does everybody else. Everyone from without Africa looks out for their own interests. Problem is, many are hypocrites. They dress up their interests in a coat of many colors. That is why I love China. Of all the no-give-damners, China is as open about its interests as the clear light of day. They will tell you they are here for business, that’s it. If you want to kill each other, they will wait for the winner and start off from where they stopped. You want a bribe to give them a contract, the question is “how much”.

2.1k Views · 144 Upvotes


Danette Morara, renewable energy student, loves travelling.

Answered Fri

As an African, I don’t really think they care.. They’re here for business anyway. What i think many Africans like about them is that they don’t meddle in our affairs. Sorry to say this but the west treats Africans as objects of pity that need to be controlled like kids. Not that we don’t appreciate being helped but stuff like aid has done more harm than good here, in my opinion.


Some of the money given by western governments came with demands such as devaluing our currencies and other policies that only made things worse. China offered the only other alternative for African governments to get loans with no strings attached. The west focus mainly with things like human rights ..yes, human rights matter, a lot. But seriously..the main agenda during Obama’s visit to Africa was lgbtq rights, who cares about what their neighbours do in their bedroom when you are all struggling with school fees, putting food on the table and going to work via shitty roads. As president Kenyatta (Kenya’s president) rightly told him, it is a non-issue to Africans. Most of our main problems now are economical. And China focuses on that.



When it comes to investing, they also adopt the same attitude. American sponsored university like USIU offer humanity courses like law (how many people can afford lawyers??), Korea is funding a tech university that’s being built …the impression someone gets is that ‘they think African students won’t handle STEM courses ,..but the east does.’ I’m not saying that’s the actual attitude the west has, but that’s what it ‘feels’ like. The feeling that you and your people are constantly being belittled.

Yes, we are aware they may/do have other sinister interests but in the eyes of the ordinary African they’re the lesser evil.

12.9k Views · 692 Upvotes


