
lowlife: n. 卑劣人;下层阶级的人;来历不明的男人。 复数 lowlifes

"And now this lowlife wants to kill my husband." (但是现在这个卑鄙的家伙想杀了我的丈夫)----美剧《绝望的主妇》

adj. 奸诈的;不道德的;堕落的;道德败坏的;粗野的;粗俗的;下流的;不文雅的

"He's a lowlife dealer. He operates a couple of blocks." (他是个卑微的商人,管理着几个街区)----《自豪与荣耀》

bum: to ask someone for something such as money, food, or cigarettes 讨,乞讨

She bummed a little cash off me. 她向我了一点钱。----有道英语

customary: something that is customary is normal because it is the way something is usually done 风俗的,惯例的,合乎习俗的

"It is customary to accompany a proposal with gifts." (按习俗求婚时应该准备礼品)----《波斯王子:时之刃》

That's all for today

May 23, 2018. XOXO