

UrbaNàture (hereinafter referred to as UN) is a fashionable lifestyle store that combines fashion and drinks. The founders Sun Ting and Huang Xiaomeng and Shi Xiaoyu, three friends are responsible for the two sections of clothing and drinks. In order to provide a more advanced shopping experience, we can integrate the various experiences of lifestyle into the same space. Consumers can also enjoy leisure and collect creative inspiration while shopping here.You can not only buy seasonal fashion items, but also a cup of mellow fresh ground coffee.

▼店鋪外觀,exterior view


We use terrazzo, metal, glass, and paint. These materials combine different spaces in the store for superposition and extension. Breaking the conventional “freshness” – is the intuitive feeling that UN hopes to bring to everyone. The store is located at No. 163, Sunshine Road, Jiangyin City, with three floors.The first floor sells freshly ground coffee, and the spacious and comfortable deck design is dominated by long benches.

▼首層室內概覽,first floor interior view

▼展覽臺&休閒區域,exhibit & recreational area

▼休閒區域,recreational area

▼休閒區域細部,recreational area details

▼卡座區,seat area


The spiral staircase with simple color and exquisite shape leads to the second and third floors. The bright space combines the modern, stylish and chic aesthetic features of UrbaNàture in terms of clothing.

▼旋轉樓梯,spiral staircase

▼旋轉樓梯細部,spiral staircase details


The second floor is mainly for women’s wear, with black steel plates and terrazzo stacked. The clothing shopping area is displayed in the form of storage. With the perfect control of light and the combination of two large fitting mirrors, you can enjoy an unconstrained, completely intuitive and independent shopping process.

▼以黑色鋼板和水磨石堆疊的二層空間,second floor with black steel plates and terrazzo

▼水磨石展臺&超大試衣鏡,terrazo exhibit & large fitting mirrors


The third floor is mainly for designer women’s wear, and the style is updated in real time. White as the main theme of the space provides a background for a variety of styles of clothing, with dark green and metal, to create a stylish personality shopping environment.

▼三層空間概覽,third floor interior view

▼弧形金屬衣架細部,metal hanger details

▼一層平面圖,first floor plan

▼二層平面圖,second floor plan

▼三層平面圖,third floor plan








Project Name:UrbaNàture


Project area:300㎡

Design Team:JCD.Interior Design

The main creative design:Suxiaoyan

Space Photography:ingallery

Main material:Glass, Terrazzo, Steel, Painting