
小鱼寄语:与其说Talia Sutra是位瑜伽达人,更不如说她是慰藉心灵的使者。她鼓励别人走出痛苦,拥抱生活。逝者如斯,那些已故的快乐,会因为你的振作而重新点亮。

一句话瑜伽,第325期Talia Sutra:这一切的背后,你和我是永恒、不变的意识。You and I are the constant,unchanging awareness behind it all.

此时此刻,注意你在哪里,你能感觉到你所处的空间吗?You need look nowhere but where you are right now.Can you sense the space you're in?

你周围的声音?你的呼吸质量如何?你内心的空间呢?可否用你的慈悲心来看待?The sounds around you?The quality of your breath?What about your inner space?Can you watch it with compassion?

所有的恐惧,所有的痛苦,所有的快乐。All the fears,all the pains.The joy.

你能感觉到你身体的活力吗?它的奇迹?Can you feel the aliveness of your body? The miracle of it?

生活此刻就在你的身边,如果你仔细听,你就会听到它”Mmmmmmm“的呼唤。Life is coursing through you right now.If you listen closely you can hear its call.Mmmmmmm

加入它,与生活融为一体,了解真正的你!Join life.Be one with it and know the truth of who you are!

爱,你无法置身事外,但你必须带着它走出去,与所有曾经活着的人一起跳舞,喜极而泣。Love,you've got no opposite.All is within- but you gotta step out with it and shake and dance and wonder with everyone who's ever lived and wept for joy.