从零开始学英语:Catch A Thief捉小偷(附音频)


1、catch [kætʃ]


·How many fish did you catch? 你捉到了多少条鱼?

·She failed to catch the early bus. 她未能赶上早班车。

2、 suddenly [ˈsʌdənli]


The weather changed suddenly. 天气陡变。He suddenly cried out at the top of his voice. 他声嘶力竭地大叫。

3、though [ðəʊ]


It's quite pleasant today,though the wind is rather cool. 尽管风有点凉,今天天气还是很不错的。I will have a try even though I should fail. 哪怕失败,我也要试一下。

4、fast [fɑ:st]


·How fast can she run? 她能跑多快?

·It did not fly very fast. 它不能飞行很快的。

5、thief [θi:f]


He saw the thief running away. 他看见贼逃走了。The thief broke the window and got into the house. 那个窃贼打破窗子,进入屋内。

6、steals [sti:lz]

v.偷( steal的第三人称单数 );悄悄地做,悄悄地走

The feeling steals upon me. 我不知不觉产生了这种感情。 She has a younger sister who is far more attractive and who steals the show at every party. 她有个十分有魅力的妹妹,每次晚会她都使别人黯然失色

7、 admire [ədˈmaɪə(r)]


Don't forget to admire the baby. 不要忘了夸奖那孩子。I admire him for what he has done. 我对他所做的事很钦佩。

8、 hero [ˈhɪərəʊ]


He is a nameless hero. 他是无名英雄。Bob is the hero of the novel. 鲍勃是那小说中的男主人公。

9、heart [hɑ:t]


He is old in body but young in heart. 他人老心不老。I thank you from the bottom of my heart. 我从心坎里感谢你。

10、future [ˈfju:tʃə(r)]


We are still on the way of future. 我们还在未来的路上。We all work hard in the interests of our future. 我们都为我们自己的将来而努力工作。

11、policeman [pəˈli:smən]


·I'll call a policeman. 我会叫警察来。

·The policeman stopped the car. 警察截住了那辆汽车


Today, when I walk on the street after class, suddenly, I see a man is run after by a policeman, though the man runs fast, he is caught by the policeman at last. I learn that the man is a thief, he steals someone’s money. I admire the policeman so much, he is a hero in my heart, I want to be a policeman in the future
