

Chapter2 第二章

At that moment some one knocked at the door.


"Come in", said the carpenter, without having the strength to rise to his fee.


A lively little old man immediately walked into the shop. His name was Geppetto, but when the boys of the neighbourhood wished put him in a passion they called him by the nickname of Polendina, because his yellow wig greatly resembled a pudding made of Indian corn.


Geppetto was very fiery. Woe to him who called him Polendina! He became furious, and there was no holding him.


"Good day, Master Antonia," said Geppttto; "What are you doing there on the floor?"

"I am teaching the alphabet to the ants."

"日安,安东尼奥师傅。"杰佩托说,"您坐在地上是在做什么啊?" "我啊,正在教蚂蚁识字呢"。

"Much good may that do you."


"What has brought you to me, neighbor Geppetto?"


"My legs. But to say the truth, Master Antonio, I am come to ask a favour of you."


"Here I am, ready to serve you," replied the carpenter, getting on to his knees.


"This morning an idea came into my head."


"Let us hear it."


"I thought I would make a beautiful wooden puppet; but a wonderful puppet that should know how to dance, to fence, and to leap like an acrobat. With this puppet I would travel about the world to earn a piece of bread and a glass of wine. What do you think of it?"


"Bravo, Polendina!" exclaimed the same little voice, and it was impossible to say where it came from.

"好极了, 玉米糊!" 那个细细的声音再次想起来,就是不知道从哪传出来的。

Hearing himself called Polendina Geppetto became as red as a turkey-cock from rage, and turning to the carpenter he said in a fury; "Why do you insult me?"


"Who insults you?"


"You called me Polendina!..."


"It was not I!"


"Would you have it, then, that it was I? It was you, I say!"











some one: "某人,有人"。注意和someone(somebody)"(某行业或某地方)重要人物,大人物" 的区别。例如:He was somebody in this town.他在这个镇上算个人物。

when:在这句话里是"在……情况下,如果"的意思。例如:When you consider that she has just studied English for one year, she speaks it very well. 如果你考虑到她刚学了一年的英语,她英语说得算是不错了。

Woe to: "某人将要遭殃(用于警告某人要是做某事会有麻烦,幽默用法)"例如:Woe to anyone who smokes in our room.谁在我们房间里抽烟谁倒霉。

fiery:在这里是"易怒的,暴躁的。"He has a fiery temper.他脾气暴躁。

ask a favour of sb:请某人帮个忙。例如:I want to ask a favour of you and take my suitcase. do sb a favour: 帮某人一个忙。例如:Could you do me a favor and tell him I can't make it? 你帮个忙告诉他我来不了好吗?

an idea came into:有个主意。意思相近的短语:have an idea, get an idea,

give sb an idea, an idea occurred to sb 例如:An idea occurred to him while he was having breakfast.他吃早餐的时候突然想到了一个主意。