雅思口语Part2:漂亮的人 思路详解&素材积累

Describe a person you have seen who is beautiful or handsome

You should say

Where you saw this person

When you saw this person

What the person looked like

Why you think this person is handsome or beautiful


首先:gorgeous, charming,fabulous, stunning这些词都可以用来形容人的外表好看,但要注意,这些词都是用于形容光彩夺目型的人,如果想要用这些词,推荐去描述明星。

其次,细节一点的外貌特征,我们可以从那些容易表达的点入手,比如高矮胖瘦:tall, short, fat, slim,; 再比如头发或者眼睛的颜色:red hair, brown eyes; 再比如戴不戴眼睛:with glasses。

再者,我们可以拓宽思路,人的漂亮不仅是外在,也可以是内在。所以可以分成external beauty和internal beauty去说。刚刚我们已经介绍了一些external beauty的词,那么从internal beauty的角度,我们可以去描述一个人的性格:kind,caring,gentle,funny,humorous. 然后加以一定的事例来说明她的性格。比如明星的话你可以说她关注慈善(do some charity work), 关注公共事务(public affairs),比如说平权(gender equality, education equality)。普通人你可以说她很乐于助人,举出一个她帮助你的事例。


The person that I'd like to describe is Scarlett Johansson, who is an American actor and singer. I knew this person because I am a fan of Marvel movies and Scarlett did a really good job in this show. The first time I saw her was several years ago when I was watching the movie called The Avengers. I really like the black widow that she played and she got my attention immediately as she showed up.

As for her appearance, according to what I saw from the movies, she is not a tall girl with her short curly red hair and green eyes. She shows us not only her feminine beauty, you know, she is the hollywood sexy symbol; but also masculine charm when she is in her suit or when she is fighting against enemies.

I think she is beautiful because firstly, she has a perfect outlook, I mean looking at her, her eyes, nose, face and body, it is hard to deny her external beauty; secondly, she also has internal beauty, I know that she devotes herself into charity works, and she also stands out voicing for gender equality, thus I think she is kind and caring.


The person that I'd like to describe is ..., who is....

The first time I saw ... was ... when

As for her appearance...

It is hard to deny her external beauty


Feminine beauty 女性美

Masculine charm 男性魅力

Devote herself into charity works

Voice for gender equality