

群里一下就热闹起来,各种公式,各种假设,各种阻力,重力,加速度计算,足足讨论了近一个小时 。

后来,一个不小心进错群的人默默问了一句:你们没有淋过雨吗 ?


A group of doctors jumps in a question: a drop of water from a very high place falls down in free, hits people, will it hurt or make death?

The group immediately goes lively up, all kinds of formulas, all kinds of assumptions, all kinds of resistance, gravity, acceleration calculation, fully be discussed for nearly an hour.

Later, a person who is careless gets into the wrong group silently asked a simple question: have you ever been caught in the rain?

Too often it is easy to get caught up in our daily thinking and forget the simplest and most direct path.