
1. 若陳述句為含有賓語從句的主從複合句,反意疑問句的謂語動詞和主語代詞一般同主句的謂語動詞和主語保持一致。

He never said she would come,did he?他從未說過她要來,是嗎?

You never told us why you were late for the last meeting,did you?你從未告訴過我們你上次會議遲到的原因,不是嗎?

She hesitated whether she should take our advice,didn't she?她對是否要接受我們的勸告猶豫不定,不是嗎?

2. 若陳述句為“I (don't) think/believe/suppose/figure/assume/fancy/imagine/reckon/expect/feel等+賓語從句”,反意疑問句的謂語動詞和主語應同賓語從句的謂語動詞和主語保持一致,如果主句是否定式,反意疑問句要用肯定式。

I don't think that you will love her,will you?我認為你不會愛她的,是吧?

I don't believe that they have finished the work,have they?我認為他們還沒完成工作,不是嗎?

I fancied that I had met with him before,hadn't I?我想我以前見過他,不是嗎?

I figured that you wouldn't come,would you?我料想你不會來,是嗎?

We reckon that the building will be finished in September,won't it?我估計這棟樓房將在9月建成,對嗎?

I don't suppose anyone will volunteer,will they?我想沒人會自願,對嗎?

I didn't expect that she would come,would she?我想她不會來了,是嗎?

3. 在“It doesn't seem that+從句”等類似結構中,反意疑問句的主語和謂語同從句的主語和謂語保持一致。

It doesn't seem that they were lying,were they?他們似乎沒有撒謊,不是嗎?

It doesn't seem that Brooks can get it,can he?布魯克斯似乎不能得到它,不是嗎?

It seems that we can't hope to catch up that car in front of us,can we?看來我們沒有希望追上前面那輛車了,不是嗎?

It seems that he is the right person for the job,isn't he?看來他是這項工作的合適人選,不是嗎?

4. 如果表語從句由what,whether,who,which,where,how,when等引導,反意疑問句應對應於主句。

5. That's what we should do,isn't it?這是我們應該做的, 不是嗎?

That's where you are wrong,isn't it?那就是你的錯誤之處,對嗎?

This was what they achieved after ten years of ceaseless labour,wasn't it?這是他們經過10年不懈勞動取得的成果,不是嗎?

6. 如果主語從句由if,whether,who,what,which,where,how,when等引導,其反意疑問句的主語要用it。注意由if引導的主語從句不能置於句首。

Whether we go to Paris is in the air,isn't it?我們是否去巴黎尚未決定,不是嗎?

What he said at the meeting is very important,isn't it?他在會上所說的很重要,對嗎?