

1 错误一:The pizza is very delicious. (x)

delicious 程度本来就很重了,不能再说very,可以改成absolutely delicious 如:The pizza is absolutely delicious. 这披萨简直好吃到爆。

2 错误二:Is the cake delicious? (x)

delicious 本身带有程度属性,不用于疑问句哦,要不然就好像在说,‘这蛋糕美味至极么?’ 哥们,说人话,ok?

可以说:Is the cake good?

3 错误三:The carrot is not delicious. (x)

delicious 本身带有程度属性,不用于否定句哦。要不然就变成:‘这胡萝卜不美味至极。‘ 你说你这么说话还能一起好好玩耍么

4 错误四:Drink more water! 多喝水 (×)

虽然语法和词汇都会,但人家不这么说。可以换成:Make sure you drink plenty of water.

5 错误五:release pressure 释放压力 (×)

可以改成:find it relaxing 如:I’m quite into playing basketball, since I find it really relaxing. 我喜欢打篮球,因为我觉得它可以让人释放压力。

6 错误六:Do you want to eat.... 你想吃什么吗? (×)

一般老外请人喝东西或者吃东西的时候,不会说:Do you want to drink ...或者Do you want to eat.... 大家可以说成:Do you want an orange? 或者:Try some oranges? 尝点橘子吗?

7 错误七:eat medicine 吃药 (×)

一般medicine前面加上some 或者my 修饰会更好,而且搭配也会说take. 所以你可以说:I should take my medicine. 或 I should take some medicine.

8 错误八:I'm going to live in a hotel on the outskirts of the town this weekend. 我准备这周末住在郊区的酒店。(×)

live 是永久居住,而stay 是暂时居住。所以可以说:I‘m going to stay in a hotel on the outskirts of the town this weekend.