





1、不定冠词a 和an的用法区别:a用在单词发辅音开首的单词前,an用在单词发元音开首的单词前。如:

a book, a desk, a pen, a doctor, a house ,an enemy, an accident, an animal, an egg

但注意:an hour, a useful tool



A horse is a useful tool.

A dog runs faster than a goat.


An old man is sitting on the chair.

(3)表示one 或every,但概念上没有它们那样强烈。当表示one的意思时,一般不用two, three等相对比。如:Every elephant has a long nose. Take this medicine three times a day.


a few, a bit, a lot of, in a hurry, at a time, all of a sudden, many a, a little, a couple of, as a matter of fact, in a word, have a good time, do sb. a favor, pay a visit to, in a way, have a word with, make a living, take a pride in, take a walk, a great deal of, catch a cold.


She was caught in a heavy rain.

It was a wonderful tea.

That is a great disappointment.



He received a good education.

Thank you, Jim. You have done a kindness.

Many people agreed that a knowledge of English is a must in international trade today.

The meeting held yesterday was a success.

To advise him is a waste of time.

(2)偶尔与专有名词连用,表示某种特定意思。表示类似的一个或某一个(a certain)

a Mr Black a living Lei Feng

A Mr. Smith wants to see you.


The Huanghe River is a longest river in China.

The story is a most interesting one.


Before I go to work every morning, I’ve a light breakfast.

The traffic accident happened on a Sunday to the end of the July.


How important it is to learn a second language.

The fisherman cast a third net.

(6)表示类别,有any, per之意,a(n)不必译成汉语,此时a(n)可改为the或不用冠词(但必须用名词复数形式)。

His income is one thousand yuan a month.

A camel is a useful animal. = Camels are useful animals.


Let’s have a look around the playground after supper.

have a rest / walk / swim / talk … (have = take)

give a shout / whistle / loud laugh …

make a drive / move …


Now we are living a happy life.

Last night I dream a terrible dream.




She stayed at home and cleaned the house.

He saw a book on the table in his room.

The boys in this school wear blue shirts.


What do you think of the film?

Close the door, please.

Let’s go and give it to the policeman.


Which is farther from the earth, the sun or the moon?


Mr Wang has a son and the son is a driver.

There is a book on the desk. The book is John’s.


The panda is very lovely. = A panda is very lovely. = Pandas are very lovely.

6、用于最高级前(与不定冠词不同 = very),以及对两人或事物进行比较时起特定作用的比较级前。

the first / second, the tallest, the most important,

the taller of the two boys, the more interesting of the two books


the first boy the third student 区别a third student


the writing desk the man standing there


Do you like playing violin?


the United States the People’s Republic of China the Youth League, the Yellow River, the People’s Daily, the Tang Dynasty, the Philippines, the History Museum, the Children’s Palace, the Taiwan Straits


the rich, the poor, the sick, the wounded


the Turners the Wangs the Browns

13、用于世纪的某年代。 in the 1980s (in the 1980’s)


Shanghai is in the east of China.

Japan lies to the east of China.


Who invented the telephone?

16、用于某些表示国家和民族的形容词前,泛指全体。这些词通常以-sh, -ch, -ese结尾。

the English, the French, the Chinese


They sold eggs by the dozen.

They were paid by the hour.


in the morning in the end at the age of

on the other hand, in the daytime

19.用于句型:主语+ pat (strike/hit/catch/touch) +sb+介词+the+接触部位

He hit Tom in the face.

The teacher patted the boy on the head.



paper bravery

Water boils at 100℃.

Knowledge begins with practice.


The milk in the bottle has gone bad.

Do you want a coffee?

What do you think of the work?

He has a good knowledge of English.


China, Beijing, Mary, Peter


The England of those years was an England in turmoil(动乱).

“Hurry up!” said the anxious Tom.

He wishes to be an Edison.

A Mr. White came to see you this morning.


We are studying English.


This book is very cheap.

Is this Mr. Wang’s dictionary?

5、由普通名词构成的专有名词前多要加“the” 但也有的一些不用。

Tian An Men Square Chang An Avenue

Nanjing Road Bei Hai Park Beijing University


New Year Day, May Day,

the Spring Festival the Dragon Boat Festival the Mid-autumn Festival the Double Ninth Festival the Lantern Festival


Mr Liu is Chairman of our club.

Go there, boy.

What shall I do next, Mother?

In 1860, Lincoln was elected President of the United States.


In the spring of 2006, a Tuesday in September


What did you have for breakfast? Do you like mathematics?

She is fond of playing basketball.

但在breakfast, lunch, supper前通常有描绘性形容词等修饰时,要加不定冠词。

He had a wonderful supper.

10、复数名词表示一类人或物时。 Horses are useful animals.

11、当bike, car, taxi, bus, train, boat, ship, plane等与介词by连用时,表示一种交通手段时,不用冠词。

Did you come back by plane or by train?

但也可用介词in, on等或与动词搭配。这时名词前要有修饰语。come in a car take a bus, on the train

还有by water, by land, by sea, by air也可表示交通手段。

12、turn, go 表示“变成”, 其后接名词时。

turn writer = become a writer go socialist = become a socialist


experiment after experiment hand in hand day and night step by step side by side

day after day husband and wife day by day soul and heart

14、两个名词指同一人时,前一名词有a(n), 而后一名词却没有。

He is a poet and novelist.

15、在kind of 或kinds of 等结构中,后面的名词一般不用加冠词,但是kind前可根据需要加冠词。

He likes three kinds of book(s).


What kind of a man is he? (... kind of a …意为“怎样的一个或一种……”)

类似的结构还有:sort(s) of, type(s) of, class(es) of, form(s) of, variety (varieties) of 它们都表示一种或数种事物,后面的名词都不加冠词。

16、man作“人类”讲时,同human, mankind一样,不用加冠词。

Man has existed for thousands of years.

17、在以“普通名词(或形容词最高级)+ as / though开始的让步状语从句中,前面不用冠词。

Child as he is, he knows a lot. Shortest though he is, he runs fastest in our class.


He went into the forest, gun in hand. The teacher came into the classroom, ruler under arm.


go to school at night by train at first make room for

in fact on foot after school in town in ink / pen

on purpose in danger / trouble / surprise / silence at present

on show in order by chance / accident



in word 口头上 in a word 总而言之

of age 成年 of an age 同龄

have words with 争吵 have a word with 谈话

with child 怀孕 with a child 带着孩子


on earth 究竟 on the earth 在地球上

at table 进餐 at the table 在餐桌旁

at school 求学 at the school 在学校

go to school 去上学 go to the school 到学校去

in hospital 住院 in the hospital 在医院里

in place of 代替 in the place of 在…..位置上

in office 执政 in the office 在办公室里

take place 发生 take the place of 取代

in possession of 拥有 in the possession of被……拥有

in charge of 负责/掌握 in the charge of 由……负责/被掌握

out of question 不成问题 out of the question 根本不可能

in front of 在……前面 in the front of 在……内的前面