千万不要把“转为正式员工”翻译成become a real worker


不少想去外企工作的朋友让我们多分享地道英语表达,我们就满足大家的要求。我们来学一些外企常用表达。比如,说到“转账”,译成send account就是大笑话,译成send money还算可以,地道的是transfer money或者remit money;要表达“收到钱之后”,译成after receive the money,也肯定错,因为after后面要跟动名词,用receiving就勉强对,地道的表达是on the receipt of the payment;说到“厂商订单很多”,过四级同学会译the factory has many orders,算中规中矩,外企常说 the manufacturers are heavily committed;要表达“执行合同”,译成take the contract并不好,外企常说execute a contract,而execute可换成 carry out 或者fulfil

工作过的同学,都知道会有试用期和转正这回事。“试用期”是trial period 或者probation,那么“转为正式员工”怎么说呢?有同学会说become a real worker !这个表达容易引起歧义,real worker 是“真正的工人”,难不成还有假的?

“转为正式工”的地道表达是“put sb on the permanent payroll”,单词payroll 是工资单,on the payroll就是“在编员工”,而permanent就是“永久的”。

通过例句学习put sb on the permanent payroll

If you work all right after three months you will be put on the permanent payroll and be given a raise.


I was so excited after knowing that I was put on the permanent payroll。


对商务英语感兴趣朋友,可加入我们的圈子,会有更多优质内容分享(赢在英语账号介绍下面,有“圈子”字样,点击加入)。总结回复今天的内容:转账transfer money;收到钱之后 on the receipt of the payment;厂商订货很多 the manufacturers are heavily committed;执行合同 execute a contract,而execute可换成 carry out 或者fulfil。