SC 考点之主谓一致






The direction in which the Earth and the other solid planets—Mercury,Venus,and Mars—spins were determined from collisions with giant celestial bodies in the early history of the solar system.

(A)spins were determined from

(B)spins were determined because of

(C)spins was determined through

(D)spin was determined by

(E)spin was determined as a result of


这道题考查了二组主谓一致,一组的主语是the Earth and the other solid planets,谓语是spin;另一组的主语是direction,谓语是was。所以同时符合要求的选项只有DE。再在DE里选择,非常容易可以排除E选D。


Recent essays by Garrison Keillor,the humorist and host of the public radio show A Prairie Home Companion,describes what might happen if Huns,Goths,and Visigoths were to invade Chicago.

(A)describes what might happen if Huns,Goths,and Visigoths were to invade

(B)describes what would happen if Huns,Goths,and Visigoths invaded

(C)describes what would happen if Huns,Goths,and Visigoths would have invaded

(D)describe what might happen if Huns,Goths,and Visigoths were to invade

(E)describe what happen if Huns,Goths,and Visigoths invade



The 32 species that make up the dolphin family are closely related to whales and in fact include the animal known as the killer whale,which can grow to be 30 feet long and is famous for its aggressive hunting pods.

(A)include the animal known as the killer whale,which can grow to be 30 feet long and is

(B)include the animal known as the killer whale,growing as big as 30 feet long and

(C)include the animal known as the killer whale,growing up to 30 feet long and being

(D)includes the animal known as the killer whale,which can grow as big as 30 feet long and is

(E)includes the animal known as the killer whale,which can grow to be 30 feet long and it is


根据题干分析,主语是32 species,接下来是一长串的定语从句,跳过定从修饰,才是句子真正的谓语include,根据主语32 species是复数,所以排除DE,在ABC中选择。


The lack of complete historical records from the mid-to-late 1800’s have made some Black inventions difficult to trace to their originators.

(A)have made some Black inventions difficult to trace to their originators

(B)have made for difficulties in tracing some inventions by Blacks to their originators

(C)have made it difficult to trace some inventions by Blacks to their originators

(D)has made it difficult to trace some inventions to their Black originators

(E)has made it difficult in tracing some Black inventions to their originators


本题较为简单,考主谓一致与make的用法。用上题思路,依据题干简化句子,发现主语是the lack,那么谓语部分一定要用单数,不能用have。因而A、B、C均错。

The list of animals that exhibits a preference of either using the right or the left hand(i.e.,claw,paw,or foot)has been expanded to include the lower vertebrates.

(A)exhibits a preference of either using the right or the left hand(i.e.,claw,paw,or foot)has been expanded to include

(B)exhibits the preference to use either the right or the left hand(i.e.,claw,paw,or foot)has been expanded and includes

(C)exhibit a preference in either using the right or the left hand(i.e.,claw,paw,or foot)has been expanded to include

(D)exhibit a preference for using either the right or the left hand(i.e.,claw,paw,or foot)has been expanded to include

(E)exhibit the preference as to either using the right or the left hand(i.e.,claw,paw,or foot)has been expanded and includes


题目中出现了非常明显的“A of B”这种结构,但值得注意的是划线部分是定语从句,那么一定要修饰先行词。所以找到中心词是animals,animals是复数,谓语部分一定要用exhibit,所以排除AB,在CDE里选择。