【China Insight】巴基斯坦前總理:中巴關係將繼續造福兩國人民

自1951年中巴兩國正式建立外交關係以來,經過兩國領導人和人民的不懈努力,中巴友誼不斷得到鞏固,建立了全天候的戰略合作伙伴關係。 “中巴關係堪稱國與國關係的典範”,中國國家主席習近平在2014年這樣評價中巴關係。

China and Pakistan established diplomatic relations in 1951. Through unrelenting efforts of both countries leaders and people, the connection and friendship has been growing ever since, and an all-weather strategic partnership has also been established. “China-Pakistan relationship is a good example of State-to-State relationships,” President Xi Jinping said in 2014.

2018年11月,巴基斯坦總理伊姆蘭·汗對中國進行了正式訪問,他讚賞習近平主席提出的 “一帶一路” 倡議。作為 “一帶一路” 的標誌性項目,中巴經濟走廊建設改善了巴基斯坦的投資和營商環境,為巴基斯坦經濟創造了新的發展空間。

Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan, paid an official visit to China in November 2018. Khan has been an avid supporter of the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by President Xi. As one of the flagship Belt and Road projects, China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has improved the investment and business environment in Pakistan, creating a new space for its economic development.

瓜達爾港被稱為中巴經濟走廊上的明珠,曾經是阿拉伯海沿岸的一個小漁村。巴基斯坦前總理阿齊茲告訴China Focus,興建港口給當地帶來了更多的就業,加速了經濟發展,如今這裡已經完全變了模樣。針對西方媒體詆譭 “一帶一路” 炒作 “債務陷阱” 的言論,


Gwadar Port, the pearl of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, was once a small fishing village along the Arabian Sea. Shaukat Aziz, former Prime Minister of Pakistan, told China Focus that construction of a modern harbor and ports has brought more employment opportunities to the district, and boosted its economic development. Responding to the “debt trap” argument concocted by western media to defame the Belt and Road initiative, Aziz emphasized that trade exchanges and interconnections are not coercible. The outcome of establishing better trade, commercial and diplomatic relations through joint efforts is sure to be mutually beneficial.


Why Is Connectivity Important?


Aziz: I believe that whenever you have connectivity, no matter which countries are involved, you open up minds, you open up trade routes, you open up connections, and you open up awareness of each other. That's what the world is all about.


Photo taken on July 3,2017. shows the Sahiwal coal-fired power plant in Sahiwal in Pakistan's easternprovince of Punjab. The first major energy project under the China-PakistanEconomic Corridor (CPEC) was inaugurated on Monday in Sahiwal in Pakistan'seastern province of Punjab. (Photo/Xinhua)


So, I would say that if two countries can agree to build infrastructure and build better trade and commercial and diplomatic relations, you cannot lose that battle. You will always win if you know what you're doing. This is what's happening between China and Pakistan.


How to Define the Current China-Pakistan Relationship?


Aziz: China-Pakistan relations go back several decades. Since our independence, we've had good relations and all along, China has been a steadfast friend of Pakistan. So, there is much goodwill on the streets of Pakistan for China, and China has always stood by us at many challenging times.


We agree on most strategic issues, geopolitical issues... we see the world the same way. So, we are China's natural partner.


Photo taken on March 22, 2017 shows a view of Gwadar port in southwest Pakistan's Gwadar. (Photo/Xinhua)


The One Belt One Road initiative will have links that will contribute to progress of the economy and of people on both sides. It will create jobs, it will create availability of goods at better prices or of better quality, and will give better connectivity.


I was part of the government during the first project we did. So, I was intimately involved in everything. Former Premier Zhu Rongji visited Pakistan. I was finance minister then, so I accompanied him on the trip. We basically agreed to pursue a port in Gwadar and set up a sort of installation there. Gwadar is a town on the coast on the Arabian Sea, a Pakistani town. Now if you go there, you won't recognize it—the roads and the housing complexes that are coming up.


Gwadar is in Baluchistan, a very important province of Pakistan. However, the economic growth there, and investment opportunities were very limited. Now, you will see this expanding. Jobs will be created for the Baluchi people. Markets will open for them. Flights are going there now. If the port hadn't opened, and this whole infrastructure, roads, electricity, etc., had not happened, and without all these, it would still be a little fishing village. It would still exist, but it wouldn't be at such an exciting level unless we did something different.


China-Pakistan relationship is a very close relationship at all levels in all directions. It's multifaceted, especially in terms of its purpose and the geographic coverage it has. If you look at the trade that has gone up between Pakistan and China, our relations in every field are increasing and improving. And we are very proud of this relationship.


Photo taken on May 16, 2018 shows the Orange Line Metro Train (OLMT) during a test run in eastern Pakistan'sLahore. A total of 27 sets of trains, each comprising five cars, will beused for the service in the OLMT project, a part of the China-Pakistan EconomicCorridor (CPEC). (Photo/Xinhua)


How Can the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Be Further Developed?


Aziz: I clearly feel that all further development will be based on the feasibility of what is viable. Essentially, what we can do is to use the corridor, as you called it, to give China access and a route to get what is required from the warm waters of the Arabian Sea. There's a big market there. You know, you have South Asia, you have the Middle East, the Gulf—they can come to Gwadar, leave their goods, and then the train and road links can do the rest.


So, I think as a transit and communication point, Gwadar will play a major role. Once the road is built, there may be other channels that will open to get goods from one point to the other. So my own view is that let's get going. Let's start phase one.


【China Insight】“一帶一路”:讓世界共享發展紅利

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