每日英文繪本閱讀《A Mother's Day Wish》母親節願望

A Mother\\\\\\'s Day Wish



"I can\\\\\\'t think of a better way to celebrate Mother\\\\\\'s Day than a trip to the zoo," said Mom.


"Wow, look!" cried Indi. "The mommy elephant is giving the baby a bath."


"Aww," said Arizona. "I wish we could have a baby elephant as a pet."

“啊嗚” Arizona說,“我想養一隻小象寶寶做寵物。”

"I wouldn\\\\\\'t want a pet elephant," said Mom. "But I would like to have a trunk. I could get the backyard watered without even turning on the garden hose!"


"If I had a trunk," said Dad, "I\\\\\\'d get the dinner dishes washed in a snap!”


"I\\\\\\'d use my trunk to spray my friends on hot days! " said Indi.


"If I had a trunk, I\\\\\\'d be a firefighter," said Tex.


"Well, one thing\\\\\\'s for sure," said Mom. "If we had trunks, we wouldn\\\\\\'t need masks for Halloween! "


"That gives me an idea," said Dad. "Wait here!"


Dad popped into the gift store. Soon he was back with masks for the whole family. "Why wait for Halloween when we can be elephants on Mother\\\\\\'s Day!"


The End