

The biggest difference between 18 and 25 is that I don't want to grow any longer.


In fact, the most feared emotion is dragging, the more the repetition of the play, the more unable to cry.


The man we live in the daytime collapses in the early morning, and of course we stick together a little bit before the sun rises.


Self-righteous mind if a stone, but ultimately people are not plants.


Your love for me is only fresh, but I am a slow and hot person. When your love for me disappears completely, I am more and more fascinated with you.


When you quarrel with your lover, remember that it's you who fix the problem, not you who fix it.


To live is a state of mind: to look at the world with emotion is a tragedy, and to look at it with reason is a comedy.


I met so many people, but why is it that you, who seems to be the most passer-by, occupy such an important position in my heart?