

“Education is, without doubt, becoming increasingly global. Not only are children of high net worth families sent to the West, but increasingly we see western schools opening franchises in Asia and all parts of the globe. However, I see an increasing numbers of discerning families placing preference upon UK boarding schools, in part due to their excellent pastoral care and the range of activities offered to pupils. Many of the families I have worked alongside consider that education is a western luxury and they feel that it is a luxury that should ideally be experienced in the West.


There are many reasons for families sending their children abroad. You wish to broaden your child’s perspective and you are confident they will receive a better education. You wish to give them better post-school prospects and to allow them access to the best universities - in essence you are purchasing a better quality of life for your children.


A key reason cited for sending children to school in the UK is that the quality of education goes for beyond access to the best exam results; during the decision making process the name and reputation of the school is stated as being key, with a keen interest placed upon application to schools with tradition, heritage and associations with outstanding job prospects.


A key reason cited for sending children to school in the UK is that the quality of education goes for beyond access to the best exam results; during the decision making process the name and reputation of the school is stated as being key, with a keen interest placed upon application to schools with tradition, heritage and associations with outstanding job prospects.










All too often families leave it too late to make realistic applications to UK boarding schools. With the the UK academic year starting in September, to make an application in January of the same year to a school that has been heard of in China will only result in disappointment. For the highly selective schools sitting towards the top of any one of the myriad of league tables, registration and application should be made at least two full years or even three prior to entry.


All too often families leave it too late to make realistic applications to UK boarding schools. With the the UK academic year starting in September, to make an application in January of the same year to a school that has been heard of in China will only result in disappointment. For the highly selective schools sitting towards the top of any one of the myriad of league tables, registration and application should be made at least two full years or even three prior to entry.

很多家庭会预设一个理想学校。他们坚信只有这个学校适合自己的孩子,任何名气稍低的学校都不考虑。很多时候这种想法是错误的,家长应该从学生的天资、兴趣和性格出发,选择一所合适的学校。伊顿公学校长西蒙·亨德森(Simon Henderson)说道:“请思考你孩子最适合去哪里,不要只考名气最大的学校。择校时要找到学术标准恰好适合你孩子的学校。”

All to often families have a named school in mind. They firmly believe that this one school is right for their child, and that any school lower down the reputational rankings is not to be considered. They are frequently wrong and have to be shown that school choice needs to focus upon matching the aptitudes, interests and personality of the child to the particular strengths of the institution. The Headmaster of Eton, Simon Henderson, states, “Think about the right place for your child – not the most distinguished or impressive-sounding name. Choose a school with academic standards that match the needs of your particular child”.


All too often parents believe that preparation for any application just involves more and more tutoring. They may well be right, but only if that tutor support is targeted and specific - so much of the support offered by local tutors is limited in that it is not focussed and fails to enhance the application.


Therefore, if you get your timings right, make advised choices and ensure all preparation is meaningful, your children can enjoy the fruits of a superb, world class education in a UK boarding school.

