
掌上春城讯2月2日,中国面向海外发行的国家英文日报《中国日报》连发两篇新闻报道——《Local govts in all-out effort to produce medical necessaries》(地方政府全力生产医疗必需品)、《Volunteers sew masks for fight against novel coronavirus outbreak》(志愿者缝制口罩以抗击新型冠状病毒),分别对昆明全力生产医疗必需品及昆明志愿者缝制口罩以抗击新型冠状病毒进行了报道。其中,《Local govts in all-out effort to produce medical necessaries》报道中提到,昆明市在一次关于与新型冠状病毒作斗争的会议中提出,昆明市公务员不应该再佩戴KN95级口罩,并向基层医务人员提供所有专业防护装备,包括KN95级口罩。



由于医疗物资有限,120急救队司机胡先生要求他的同事帮助他,用医用酒精对护目镜进行消毒,以便1月26日再次使用。[袁征 高星 摄/中国日报]









Wang Xiliang, mayor of Kunming, capital of Southwest China's Yunnan province, said the city's civil servants should no longer wear KN95-level facial masks and provide all professional protective gear, including KN95-level facial masks, to medical workers in the grassroots. He made the remarks during a key meeting on the fight against the novel coronavirus in the city on Saturday.

He indicated the city should mobilize more supplies from different sectors of society to support virus prevention during the ongoing campaign.

"Currently, Kunming has a major inadequacy in facility supply, including facial masks, protective clothing and disinfectant, so all civil servants should spare KN95-level masks for medical workers," he said.

Tianjin companies, including Teda Filters Co and Yuanghang Industries and Trade Co, resumed production of facial masks and protective clothing on Jan 21, and a number of products have been sent to Wuhan, the center of the outbreak.

According to a notice from the State Council on Jan 29, all local governments should urge companies to join in the production of medical protective clothing, N95 facial masks,protective glasses, negative-pressure ambulances and related medicines, and facilities should be under overall supervision by the central government.

No local government has the authority to change the arrangement for its local use, the notice said.

Gu Yunbiao, vice-director of Tianjin Industrial and Information Technology Bureau, said the city has taken up producing 10,000 sets of protective clothing and after production is over, they will be directly sent to Wuhan.

Yang Wenjuan, head of the Research and Development Department at Teda Filters, said: "After the facial masks were completed, all of them are under government-arranged transportation routes for the needy."



村党委员会组织的30多名志愿者已经签署协议,将在中国云南省的一家工厂帮助制造纱布口罩、酒精和消毒粉,以帮助对抗新型冠状病毒。 [提供给chinadaily.com.cn的照片]











More than 30 volunteers organized by the village Party committee are participating in a group effort to manufacture gauze masks, ethanol and sterilizing powder at a factory in Southwest China's Yunnan province to help arm the fight against the novel coronavirus.

Some villagers also have donated their sewing machines for the production work at Yunnan Xiangshan Medical Material Co in Mingyihe village, Anning city.

Volunteers mobilized to address the labor shortage during the Spring Festival holiday at the factory, which resumed production on Friday.

They received body temperature checks and training before work started, with volunteers capable of using the sewing machines being more than 50 years old, on average.

Seventy-nine-year-old Chu Shudong, who had 30 years of tailoring experience, volunteered to repair the sewing machines.

"I've not done tailoring for 20 years. I'm old and my eyes are weak. I hope to do my best here and make more masks so that people are protected," he said.

The youngest volunteer, 22-year-old Bi Qiling, joined the team. She's available because the new semester at her university in Beijing was delayed because of the novel coronavirus outbreak.

"With the volunteers, our production capacity is higher. We have 65 people and work on two shifts," said Zhang Kaijin, head of the factory.

The factory is capable of producing two tons of ethanol and 200 kilometers of sterilizing powder every day.

It sends its production information to the city government on a daily basis, and the products are all allocated by the government.





终审:钱红兵 李严