

If a man does not hold an official position, he should not worry about the administration of duties for that position.


If men have different courses, they should not stay together in developing their career.


Do not watch what is contrary to the rites of propriety. Do not listen to what is contrary to the rites of propriety.


While one’s parents are alive, one should not travel far away. If he does travel, he must ascertain a destination.


When an artisan wishes to do his work well, he first sharpens his tools well.


What you do not desire, you do not impose on others.


When we see a man of true virtue, we want to become like him. When we see an unethical man, we should look inwards and reflect on ourselves.


The noble man of true virtue seeks to facilitate the completion of other people’s good intentions, but not bad ones.


The noble man of true virtue is on harmonious terms with others but does not follow them with adulation. The inferior man follows the crowd indiscriminately yet cannot be harmonious with the crowd.


The noble man of true virtue is poised without being arrogant. The mean man is arrogant without being poised.


The noble man of true virtue is broad-minded, and always at ease, whereas the mean man is narrow-minded, full of distress.


The man of true virtue is cautious with his words and is diligent in his action.


Keeping in heart what I have learned; studying hard without surfeit; teaching others without indolence; what else should I worry?


True virtue has nothing to do with adulatory words and a sycophantic appearance.


It is men that make the Way great. It is not the Way that makes men great.


If a man is not farseeing, he will find problems near at hand.


A large army may be powerful, but its commander can be snatched away. A common person, though one of the lowliest, cannot be forced to change his will.


Of any group of three people, there must be someone whose virtue and integrity I can learn. I will focus on their good qualities and practice them, and avoid their bad qualities.


When eating, he would not chat with others. When in bed, he not talk to himself.


An official, if he still has leisure after having executed his duties, should engage in learning. A scholar, if he still has leisure after having accomplished his learning, should serve society by taking a government job.


All people under Heaven are brothers.


Only in winter can we know that the pine and cedar are the last to wilt.


If you do not know about life, how would you know about death?


Those who know how to review what they have learned so as to be able to learn new knowledge can be teachers for others.


I daily examine myself to see: whether I may not have been faithful and dutiful enough when I do things for others; whether I may not have been truthful enough to my words when I interact with my friends; and whether I may not have practiced what my teacher has instructed me to do.


Lack of tolerance in small matters disrupts big plans.


Men are alike by nature, but learning of a later and subsequent time has made them increasingly different from each other.


Learning without thinking only makes a man confused and perplexed. Thinking without learning only lands a man in quandary.


Isn’t it a pleasure if my thought is recognized by society and is put into practice? Isn’t it delightful to have friends who share my ideas coming from distant places? If society does not accept my ideas and no one understand me, yet I do not feel dismayed, isn’t it that I am still a man of virtue?


Learning should be made accessible to people regardless of their different classes.


If you seek to do things too quickly, it results in more haste, but less speed.


The wise are free from bewilderment, the virtuous from anxiety, the bold from fear.


The wise derive pleasure in water; the virtuous take delight in mountains.


If you know it, you know it. If you do not know it, you do not know it. That’s called “wise”.


Knowing about learning is not as good as loving it; and loving it is not as good as taking delight in it.


You can discuss profound learning with those whose talents are above average, but you should not do this to those whose talents are below average.


It’s very rare that filial and fraternal men would offend against their superiors.It’s unheard of that men who do not want to offend against their superiors would stir up trouble. A man of superior ethical values focuses on establishing a solid foundation, from which to derive the right way of caring for others, cultivating oneself and finally governing a country with benevolence. Filial piety and fraternal duty should be the basis for all benevolent behaviors.