2020高中英语 阅读理解 限时专项训练一(含答案详解)

2020高中英语 阅读理解 限时专项训练一(含答案详解),多做多练,专项成绩必然提高!


A year ago August, Dave Fuss lost his job driving a truck for a small company in west Michigan. His wife, Gerrie, was still working in the local school cafeteria, but work for Dave was scarce, and the price of everything was rising.

The Fusses were at risk of joining the millions of Americans who have lost their homes in recent years. Then Dave and Gerrie received a timely gift — $ 7,000, a legacy (遗产) from their neighbors Ish and Arlene Hatch, who died in an accident. “It really made a difference when we were going under financially,” says Dave.

But the Fusses weren’t the only folks in Alto and the neighboring town of Lowell to receive unexpected legacy from the Hatches. Dozens of other families were touched by the Hatches’ generosity. In some cases, it was a few thousand dollars; in others, it was more than $100,000.

It surprised nearly everyone that the Hatches had so much money, more than $3 million — they were an elderly couple who lived in an old house on what was left of the family farm.

Children of the Great Depression, Ish and Arlene were known for their habit of saving. They thrived on (喜欢) comparison shopping and would routinely go from store to store,checking prices before making a new purchase.

Through the years, the Hatches paid for local children to attend summer camp when their parents couldn’ t afford it.“Ish and Arlene never asked if you needed anything,” says their friend Sandy Van Weelden, “They could see things they could do to make you happier, and they would do them.”

Even more extraordinary was that the Hatches had their farmland distributed. It was the Hatches’ wish that their legacy — a legacy of kindness as much as one of dollars and cents —should enrich the whole community (社区) and last for generations to come.

Neighbors helping neighbors — that was Ish and Arlene Hatch’ s story.

1.According to the text, the Fusses ________.

A. were employed by a truck company

B. were in financial difficulty

C. worked in a school cafeteria

D. lost their home

2.Which of the following is true of the Hatches?

A. They had their children during the Great Depression.

B. They left the family farm to live in an old house.

C. They gave away their possessions to their neighbors.

D. They helped their neighbors to find jobs.

3.Why would the Hatches routinely go from store to store?

A. They decided to open a store.

B. They wanted to save money.

C. They couldn’ t afford expensive things.

D. They wanted to buy gifts for local kids.

4.According to Sandy Van Weelden, the Hatches were________.

A. understanding  

B. optimistic

C. childlike

D. curious

5.What can we learn from the text?

A. The community of Alto was poor.

B. The summer camp was attractive to the parents.

C. Sandy Van Weelden got a legacy from the Hatches.

D. The Hatches would like the neighbors to follow their example.


1.[解析] 事实细节题。从第一段前三句话可以看出,Fuss夫妇现在正处于经济困境中,所以B为正确答案。A、C项与文中有关细节不符,D项在文中没有信息支持。[答案] B

2.[解析] 事实细节题。第四段第一句话说Hatch夫妇是在大萧条时期出生的,而不是他们在大萧条时期有了孩子,排除A;第三段提到他们的老房子位于他们家的农场里,B错误;第二段提到他们帮助有困难的邻居们,但并未提及帮他们找工作,D错误。C项说他们把自己的财产捐赠给邻居,符合文意,故答案为C。[答案] C

3.[解析] 推理判断题。第四段提到他们有节约的习惯,买东西之前喜欢一个商店一个商店地比较价格,显然是为了省钱,故答案为B。A,他们决定开个商店;C,他们买不起贵的东西;D,他们想给当地的孩子买礼物,都明显与文意不符。[答案] B

4.[解析] 推理判断题。从文章第五段Sandy Van Weelden的话中可知,the Hatches从来不问你需要什么,而是能够发现你需要的东西,然后就来帮助你,这说明他们非常善解人意,故答案为A。B表示乐观的;C表示孩子气的,天真烂漫的;D表示好奇的,明显不符合文意。[答案] A

5.[解析] 推理判断题。A项错在这个地区很贫困,文章只是说这里有经济困难的人,并不是说这里是一个贫困地区;B项错在parents上;C项说Sandy Van Weelden得到了Hatches夫妇的一份遗产,文章只是提到他对他们的评价,并未说他得到遗产之事;从文章倒数第二段第二句话以及最后一段可以看出,Hatches夫妇的愿望就是他们的遗产能够为社区以及子孙后代造福,邻里之间能够互相帮助,故答案为D。[答案] D


When I was going home to India last year, I called up my mother to ask if she wanted anything from China.

When India had not opened up its markets to the world, I carried suitcase loads of dark glasses and jeans. Thankfully,we can get all these anywhere in India now.

Still, her answer surprised me,“ Green tea.”As long as I can remember she didn’ t even drink Indian tea.

I dutifully bought a big packet of Longjing and headed home to hear the story. My mother and her brother, both regular newspaper readers, believed that Chinese green tea was the wonder drug for all illnesses.

At the turn of the century, China was not really familiar to the average Indian. It was a strange country.

How things change! And how soon! Now every town of any size seems to have a “China Market”. And everyone is talking about China.

The government of India has planned to send a team to China to see how things are done. A minister once said that India must open the doors for more foreign investment(投资) and such a step would “work wonders as it did for China”.

But it is a two-way street. I just heard about a thousand Shenzhen office workers who have gone to Bangalore to train in software. Meanwhile, all the Indian IT majors are setting up a strong presence in China.

No wonder that trade, which was only in the millions just ten years ago, was expected to hit about US $15 billion for last year and US $20 billion by 2008, a goal set by both governments.

No wonder, my colleague wrote some weeks ago about this being the Sino-Indian (中印)century as the two countries started on January 1 the Sino-Indian Friendship Year. But what is still a wonder to me is my mother drinking Chinese tea.

1.Why did the mother ask for Chinese green tea?

A. She was tired of Indian tea.

B. She had a son working in China.

C. She believed it had a curing effect.

D. She was fond of Chinese products.

2.What does the author mean by “it’ s a twoway street” in Paragraph 10?

A. China and India have different traffic rules.

B. Tea trade works wonders in both India and China.

C. Chinese products are popular in both China and India.

D. The exchanges between India and China benefit both.

3.What do we know about the Indian IT industry?

A. It will move its head office to Shenzhen.

B. It is seeking further development in China.

C. It has attracted an investment of US $15 billion.

D. It caught up with the US IT industry in 2008.

4.In the text the author expresses________.

A. his concern for his mother’ s health

B. his support for drinking Chinese green tea

C. his surprise at China’ s recent development

D. his wonder at the growth of India’ s IT industry


1. [解析] 根据第五段最后一句话可知答案。[答案] C

2.[解析] 结合上下文可知,这句话的意思是“中国和印度互惠互利,共同发展”。[答案] D

3. [解析] 由第十段可知,B项正确。[答案] B

4. [解析] 综观全文可知,作者对中国的发展变化惊讶不已。因此C项正确。[答案] C