看故事学英语:Sophia the dog

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今天的故事是:Sophia the dog


Once upon a time, there lived a happy family. In the family, there was a father, a mother, and two sisters. The elder sister, Bella was full of life and always used to feed stray dogs. On the other hand, Betty, the younger sister used to stay with her mother all the time. Also, she was scared of dogs and never liked them.


One day, while Bella was playing, she saw a beautiful dog. It was a very cute Pomeranian dog with white furs. The dog was standing in the middle of the road and was afraid as its owner left it on the road willingly. The dog was very sad and was moaning in pain. Bella quickly picked it up and brought it to her home.


As you all know, Betty did not like dogs, she started to shout at Bella. However, Bella did not listen to her and made the dog comfortable and fed it. Hearing the conversation, the mother rushed immediately and said,Darling, from where did you find this dog? Why did you bring it home? To this, Bella replied;Mamma, the poor dog was sad because its owner left it on the road. So, I brought her home. She will stay with us from now on. The mother smiled and immediately agreed.

The poor Betty was not happy with her their decision. She was really scared of the dogs. In the evening, the father came from the office. He also tried hard to make Betty understand, but Betty was very stubborn. She did not want this dog to stay at her home.

Soon, it was time to go to bed. The mother tied the dog as Betty was scared of it and soon everybody was fast asleep, except for the dog. The dog was crying as it was missing its owner. At first, Betty ignored it. But she could not resist and quietly went to the dog to see what was wrong with it.


To her surprise, the dog did not bark at her. She came closer to it and the dog was looking at her with all the love. For the first time, Betty touched a dog. As she touched her, the dog immediately stopped crying and started licking her. Betty was actually enjoying the dog's company. The father, mother, and Bella were looking all of this from behind the door. They pretended as if they did not see anything.

The next morning, Betty said;I have decided the name of my dog. It will be Sophia!; To this, Bella said, My dog? It's our dog! Aww,eat together and most of all, they love each other a lot.
