
Why Are Asians So Racist? I get asked that question and various riffs on it like “why do Asians hate black people?” and “why do Asians only stick with other Asians?” all the time. While these questions may seem rude, I take them seriously, not least because they contain seeds of truth, even if they’re ultimately based on misinformation.

“为什么亚洲人如此种族主义?”一直有人问我这个问题,还有各种各样的即兴段子,比如“为什么亚洲人讨厌黑人? ” 以及“为什么亚洲人只和其他亚洲人在一起? ”


Before I get into what I meant by that, perhaps, confusing statement, let’s get real about racism. Racism is distinct from ordinary bias because it was created as the justification for and original blueprint of a society in which race and class were pretty much the same thing. Class is how wealth and therefore power is organized. So, race and power are inextricable. And while parts of the original racist blueprint have changed over time, we built real structures and institutions, like our electoral college, ghettos, and suburbs, just to name a few examples, based on that blue print. We can change our minds about the original design, but unless we dismantle and rebuild those structures, we’re stuck with the inequities they create.

Newly arrived immigrants assimilate a culture in which it is business as usual for American authority figures to arbitrarily pick out black people and treat them like criminals. It’s not that hard to see why many reach the conclusion that black people are prone to criminality, a racist impression that will be reinforced by TV, conservative politicians, movies, and popular music. But we all consume these same messages and “all” of us includes a lot of other immigrants, from many parts of the world, including Europe. So are Asians more racist? I doubt it. Instead, I argue we are less subtle when we express our ill-informed bigotries because we often don’t understand the accepted racial etiquette that we use to avoid provoking racial confrontations.





But racial “etiquette” should not be confused for an absence of racism, nor, particularly, of an anti-racist mind-set. Knowing and living in that etiquette simply means knowing how to avoid an argument or the label “racist.”

Oh, and what’s more, that etiquette tends to make racism more rather than less difficult to combat by forcing it underground.

The process of assimilation tends to twist many American national characteristics into caricature as immigrants for whom these characteristics are exotic attempt to distill and adopt them. This makes these characteristics, like racist beliefs, especially apparent.




But while Asians are certainly guilty of racism, we are also among its victims. That might be why 76% of Asian Americans polled by the National Asian American Survey support affirmative action against 14% who are opposed. Asian Americans also tend to favor humane immigration reform and Obamacare. These are all racially charged issues, especially in how they are treated by national political leaders. Yet, Asian American opinion on these issues seems unaffected by negative racial stereotyping.


这可能就是为什么在全国亚裔美国人调查中,76% 的亚裔美国人支持平权法案,而反对者只有14% 。


But, Asians aren’t more cliquish than other groups. In fact, whites are the most racially exclusive. 40% of whites, according to a recent Reuters commissioned study, don’t have friends of other races. Given the incredibly large number of whites relative to other groups, that’s a big claim. It means that more whites don’t have friends of other races than the total number of people of color in the U.S. excluding Latinos. And this isn’t just indicative of how whites live, it’s also indicative of how whites think. If you don’t believe that, I present all six seasons of Sex and the City, ten more of Friends, and a whole pile of episodes of Girls as evidence.








Well, to be perfectly honest, I don’t think Asians overall are racist, I truly don’t. But, I do think that from my personal experience and a lot of other blacks in the Los Angeles area, Koreans are probably the most racist and intolerant of black people. I’ve witnessed it at work and away from work.

I have friends that work in China, Japan and South Korea. South Korea is the worst. The friends in South Korea say the ignorance is appalling of how much they don’t know about black people in general, and Africa in particular. Keep in mind, we’re not talking about a third world country here. They idolize and worship whites and generally tend to treat any black or brown person like crap, even darker Southeast Asians. Plastic surgery is CRAZY there in the pursuit of the aquiline Caucasian nose (which is very evident when comparing the singers/actors/models to everyday people walking down the street who can’t afford plastic surgery). My friends tell me that in Korea they believe to be American is to be “white”. WTF? The most diverse country in the world and you think you can’t be American unless you’re white? This is not normal nor intelligent thinking. lol

For an excuse of their racism and intolerance, Koreans here want to yell about the Watts riots. They conveniently omit the incident that many believe led up to the riots (how a Korean shopkeeper shot a 14 year old black girl in the back of the head because she THOUGHT she was stealing a bottle of orange juice and, ONLY got probation and community service!), but love to use it as an excuse. How rude and indignant they are to blacks who come into their stores in predominantly black areas, following them around and speaking harshly to them. I don’t get why blacks patronize these stores, OR why the Koreans move into areas and open a business around people they obviously have contempt for. Ask any black woman in a mostly black area who goes into a beauty supply store for black hair products, who’s behind the counter and is the proprietor …a Korean. If they have so much disgust towards us, why are they still in our communities?







可悲的是他们在嘻哈和 R & B上模仿我们的风格和舞蹈,但却是一群种族主义者。






The reason why Asians are so racist is .. they are mostly homogeneous closed off societies, Korea and Japan being 98% and 99% .. there was no Civil Rights movement either.. and you saying there’s less racism in Japan is bullshit, look up Tokyo breakfast and how black men are drawn in anime.. there are anti-foreigner policies because there are no laws against discrimination .. there’s hate groups in Japan that rally in the streets against Zainichi Koreans and foreigners. Politicians are all right wing nationalists in East Asia that pretty much promote blatant racism against each other, they still haven’t gotten over grievances from WW2 that’s how bad it is. There’s not too many black folks in Asia so of course there’s going to be ignorance too. Koreans are assholes, they stare at what’s different and are blunt .. whereas Japanese are polite and inscrutable .. tell your friends to move to Japan if they think it’s so much better, trust me it isn’t ..

Back to Amurica and how it’s so post racial here .. how dafuq am I suppose to to be responsible for all Koreans? Are you responsible for all blacks and their social problems? Wigs, liquor stores, Korean owned shops can all be boycotted, let’s see who would open up shops in their place. Times are changing too, blacks aren’t the majority in anymore.. Latinos are, and they have their own businesses. Obviously YOU hate Koreans so maybe it’s a reflection of your racism ..



So, someone else has looed into the history of racism in Asian societies? Wow. I thought I was the only one. Yet I could tell you some illuminating things … really. I regret what I’ve learned, because I sought a much better experience than what I encountered.

people seem to be aware that racism against Blacks, although not the lynching kind that whites are famous for, is even more widely shared in Asian culture.




73% of Asian people elect Obama only 39% of white .Asian hate black people is just bullshit from racist white.Other racist myth is Obama election result is come from white guilt.Which is also not true .The white is the only race that hate Obama .Just 39% of the white pick him.

Is the white people who compare black and Asian like rat cockroach or monkey .Is the white people who enslave black genocite red Indian in America genocite Brown people in Australia.Asian insult black is come from racist white .In Asia there are no any kind of racist organization that kill black people like KKK or Neo Nazi.All thing about Asia hate black is just self claiming white bullshit.Statistic prove other way.




What you’ve touched on here is “mental colonization”. While European colonialism in Asia ended a century ago Western cultural hegemony continues today. Most people in Asia, because they haven’t had the benefit of living in the West where they can experience racial discrimination, have little self-awareness about race. They are unaware of how they are perceived by Americans, Europeans, and the rest of the world. They cannot see that they over-value whites and due everyone else (themselves included). It is pathetic and tragic and I blame it on poverty and a lack of education. Too many people in Asia live in poverty; it’s all they can do to study hard as students, apply to American universities, try get a job in science/engineering, and pray they can achieve a middle-class lifestyle. In college they do not take courses on racism, segregation, colonization, Audre Lorde, the politics of skin color/race/gender/sexual orientation/etc. This kind of education is distinctly Western. So, Asians continue to lead these socially blind lives, putting white Europeans on a pedestal, dismissing every other race including themselves as inferior to whites to a large extent, and spend small fortunes on plastic surgery to make themselves look as white as possible. I am Chinese American and my family immigrated to the U.S. when I was 7, so I’ve had the benefit of watching how these two cultures function. Everyday I see this racial self-hatred in my own family–one aunt has had plastic surgery about 10 times to try to make the bridge of her nose higher to look like Europeans, puts heavy eye makeup to hide her Asian eyes (like Asian female newscasters in the U.S.–check out Connie Chung, etc.), and generally avoids Asian people. My aunt treats my half-white cousins far better than she treats me. This is the legacy of 19th century European colonization and 20th century American imperialism. It makes me happy to watch China become a world power, become richer, and even watch Japan re-build its military to match China. It makes me happy to watch Nigerian and Mexican business people become billionaires. The balance of power in the world is shifting. Nobody is at the mercy of the West anymore. And maybe my aunt will one day stop hating herself for being Chinese.


It’s not racial. It’s in our dna. Not against blacks or any one race in general. Koreans originated from China. The moment we formed, we were ostracized. The Chink bastards (lol) chased us to where we now reside. We hate everyone. Koreans only like Koreans. We don’t like others because of our first experience with “outsiders” was a, well, not a good one. Anyway, Korean men realized that the most beautiful and luscious vagina was between Korean women’s legs. That’s all we need. That’s all any man needs. Lol. Korean women have the prettiest faces in the world. And bodies to equal the awesome faces. We Korean men are lucky. All others fail. They fail miserably.


韩国人起源于中国,我们一形成,就被排斥了,混蛋中国佬( LOL ) 把我们逐到我们现在居住的地方。


