
第I卷 (选择题,共55分)


从 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。

1. Gary is hungry because he left for school ___ breakfast.

A. during

B. without

C. until

D. through

2. In the movie The Bravest, the firefighters don’t even think about ___.

A. himself

B. myself

C. yourself

D. themselves

3. It requires a lot of hard work in medical school to be a good ____.

A. doctor

B. driver

C. engineer

D. cook

4. – _____ do you go to the movies?

– Only twice a year.

A. How often

B. How long

C. How much

D. How far

5. – Could you help me ___ my dog when I’m not here?

– No problem. I’ll feed him on time.

A. look at

B. look out

C. look after

D. look for

6. Although chimpanzees (黑猩猩) look different from human beings, they have ______ DNA to ours.

A. similar

B. simple

C. successful

D. surprised

7. Jane, you don’t have to take his joke ____. He didn’t mean to hurt you.

A. truly

B. quietly

C. seriously

D. loudly

8. You will make fewer mistakes as long as you are___ when doing homework.

A. clearer

B. smarter

C. more excited

D. more careful

9. – You look really tired. What ____?

– I had to stay up late last night.

A. happened

B. is happening

C. will happen

D. was happening

10. A lot of elderly people pick up a new _____ after they retire, such as painting or playing ping-pong.

A. tradition

B. sport

C. calendar

D. hobby

11. It’s ___ for teenagers to learn how to do chores because everyone needs basic living skills.

A. impossible

B. normal

C. necessary

D. meaningless

12. – Would you please ______ the TV? The baby is sleeping.

– Sorry, I’ll do it right away.

A. fall down

B. turn down

C. take down

D. look down

13. Watch out! If you don’t keep your balance, you___ off the bike.

A. fell

B. are falling

C. will fall

D. have fallen

14. I _____ this pen only three times. It is still good.

A. used

B. have used

C. use

D. was using

15. – What do you think of the book Gone With The Wind?

– ______

A. They helped me a lot.

B. That’s too personal.

C. I like it very much.

D. I can’t stand them.



A businessman was deep in debt (负债) and could see no way out. He sat on a park bench and didn't know 16 to do.

Suddenly an old man showed up. After 17 the businessman, the old man wrote out a check (支票) and said to the businessman: “Take this money. Meet me here one year later from today and you can 18 me back at that time.” Then, the old man walked away.

The businessman saw in his hand a 19 for $500,000, signed by John D. Rockefeller, then one of the 20 men in the world!

“I can pay off all my debts immediately!” he thought with a smile. But instead, he decided to put the check in his safe. Just knowing it was there would give him 21 , he thought.

Then the businessman started to do business again, starting from 22 . Through his efforts, he got out of debt and was making money once again.

One year later, he came back to the park with the check. The old man was there. But just as the businessman was about to hand over the check, a nurse 23 and led the man away. The nurse said the old man was mentally (精神上地) ill and was always telling people he was John D. Rockefeller.

The businessman just stood there, greatly 24 . Suddenly, he realized that it wasn't the money that had 25 his life around. It was his newfound self-confidence (自信) that had given him the power.

16. A. how B. when C. what D. where

17. A. listening to B. laughing at

C. meeting D. watching

18. A. return B. pay C. take D. talk

19. A. paper B. note C. check D. list

20. A. smartest B. poorest

C. happiest D. richest

21. A. help B. power C. stress D. love

22. A. everything B. something

C. anything D. nothing

23. A. ran out B. walked along

C. came up D. went over

24. A. surprising B. surprised

C. worried D. interested

25. A. turned B. made C. planned D. drove


阅读 A、B、C、四篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项




Chasing Vermeer

by Blue Balliett

If you like "whodunit" police stories that get your brain working, then Chasing Vermeer is your perfect read. Two children named Calder and Petra try to find out who stole an expensive Vermeer painting. Vermeer was a famous artist. This book will make you want to read all night! Plus, the pictures are wonderful. Look at each picture carefully. There is something hidden in each one.



by Tomy

This game will keep your thumbs and fingers (手指) moving all day. You have to press the lights when they light up. You think it sounds easy? Well, think again, because it’s actually very difficult. If you miss a lot of lights, you’ll lose the game. You will not be able to put this game down; it will push you beyond your limits (极限).



This might look like a furry toy, but it’s actually a talking internet phone. Just plug your Verball into your USB port on your computer and you can phone all your friends for free, all around the world! Verball is not only useful, it's also fun! When your friend speaks, your Verball’s lights will flash, his arms will shake and his mouth will move. Have fun!

26. Where does this material probably come from?

A. A storybook.

B. A news report.

C. An advertisement.

D. A TV program.

27. If you use your Verball to call a friend, what will happen when your friend speaks?

A. The lights on your Verball will flash.

B. His legs will shake.

C. His mouth will be closed.

D. His eyes will be open.

28. What can we learn from the material?

A. There are pictures in the book Chasing Vermeer.

B. To play GYA, you have to have a computer.

C. Verball is used on phones and it's expensive.

D. Vermeer is a thief in Blue Balliett’s book.


“I’m a big fan of the NBA.” “The PM2.5 level is high today.” “What’s the Wi-Fi password for this restaurant?”

Do you often say or hear such sentences? Just to be clear: NBA is short for National Basketball Association, PM stands for particulate matter, and some say Wi-Fi stands for wireless fidelity.

Many of you will already know the meaning of these abbreviations (缩写词). Young people often mix them with Chinese language in their conversations. “I knew what the NBA was long before I heard its Chinese name,” said Zhang Hangyu, 14, from Hunan. “The English word is easy to remember.”

There has been some criticism (批评) of these words. Some people think they harm the purity (纯洁) of the Chinese language. “Some people worship (崇拜) the West crazily and use foreign words to show off,” language expert Xia Jixuan told People’s Daily.

Should we close the door to foreign words? “We can bring in foreign words and localize (将……本土化) them. That gives the Chinese language new life,” said Yao Xishuang, a language official from the Ministry of Education.

Now, experts are working on official translations of popular foreign words. For example, PM2.5 is “细颗粒物” in Chinese.

29. Abbreviations like "NBA" come from _____.

A. their Chinese translations

B. their English names

C. online conversations

D. the mixed use of English and Chinese

30. What do we know from Zhang Hangyu?

A. Young people use foreign words to show off.

B. Chinese people worship the West.

C. English abbreviations are easy to remember.

D. Not all English words have Chinese


31. Paragraph 4 is mainly about _____.

A. people's worries about the mixed use of languages

B. the effects of using English abbreviations

C. what we can do to stop the mixed use of languages

D. why Chinese people like using English while speaking

32. What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?

A. We should spread Chinese throughout the world.

B. Learning English is necessary for most people.

C. We don't need to use any foreign words.

D. China is trying to localize foreign words.


Our lives have become more digital in the modern world. We can study, find information and communicate with friends through computers and phones. However, spending a lot of time working, reading, texting and gaming through digital devices (数码设备) is bad for our eyes.

According to the American Optometric Association, 70 to 75 percent of computer workers have eye problems.

Digital eyestrain (眼睛疲劳) is one of the most common problems. People with digital eyestrain may get headaches, dry and red eyes, eye pain, watering and other problems.

These problems have started to increase among children. “Children get cellphones at younger ages and are using them very often during the day,” Sarah Hinkley, spokeswoman for the American Optometric Association, told USA Today.

The good news is that there are many things you can do to reduce digital eyestrain.

When using a computer, first sit in your chair and reach out your arm. Your hand should rest comfortably on the screen, as if you’re high-fiving the screen. Increase text size until your eyes feel comfortable.

When you are using a mobile phone, keep it at least 30 cm from your eyes and just below eye level. Try not to use it under sunlight.

Remember to take a 20-20-20 break: every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet (about 6 meters) away.

33. According to the story, people may have _____after using digital devices.

A. eye problems

B. back pain

C. loss of hearing

D. dry mouths

34. What do we know from Sarah Hinkley?

A. Children can easily get eyestrain.

B. Children shouldn't use cellphones.

C. More children are experiencing digital eyestrain.

D. Using cell phones can cause many problems.

35. When we use phones, we should _____.

A. use them under sunlight

B. turn off the lights

C. keep them just below eye level

D. keep them close to our eyes

36. The story gives suggestions about _____.

a. how to use computers safely

b. how to use phones safely

c. when to take breaks from electronic devices

d. how to clean your eyes

A. abc

B. abd

C. acd

D. bcd


Out with the old, in with the new (旧的不去,新的不来). It’s time to buy some new, fashionable clothes for the winter. But what do you do with your old clothes?

In the past, clothes were passed down to younger brothers or sisters. But now most of us are only children. The economy has developed and people are buying more clothes.

Every year in China, people throw away about 26 million tons of old clothes, according to the China Association of Resource Comprehensive Utilization (中国资源综合利用协会). Most of them are buried (填埋) or burned (焚烧) as waste. It’s a huge waste of energy.

“In many countries, charity shops collect and resell second-hand clothes,” Zhao Guoliang, a professor at the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, told Beijing Morning Post. “It’s the best solution to this problem.”

In some countries, it can be fashionable to shop for used clothes at charity shops like Oxfam. British singer Victoria Beckham has said she buys from Oxfam. “It’s amazing [to see] what people throw out and it’s good to help such a great place,” she told Heat magazine.

Recycling clothes is catching up in China. Fashion brand H&M is inviting people to put their old clothes into special boxes in their 45 stores in China. Some of the clothes will be resold after being cleaned. Some will be used to make other things, such as toys or cloth rags.

37. How did people deal with old clothes in the past?

A. They directly threw the old clothes away.

B. They passed down clothes to younger kids.

C. They collected old clothes and buried or burned them.

D. They sent old clothes to charity shops.

8. What do we know from Zhao Guoliang?

A. Recycling old clothes will take lots of energy.

B. China has too many old clothes.

C. Recycling is a good way to deal with old clothes.

D. Charity shops are the only place to recycle old clothes.

39. What do H&M stores do with collected old clothes?

A. They pack them in boxes and then throw the boxes away.

B. They resell old clothes after cleaning them.

C. They resell old clothes with toys or cloth rags.

D. They give old clothes to charity organizations.

40. The writer wrote this story to _____.

A. suggest ways to deal with old clothes

B. say that people should buy new clothes often

C. call on people to throw away old clothes

D. call on more people to protect the environment

第II卷 (共45分)


A. 根据句意及所给单词的正确形式填空。

41. Emily spent an ______ (enjoy) weekend with her family.

42. The movie is based on the writer’s _____ (person) experience.

43. Most people like to make plans at the _____ (begin) of the year.

44. Have you signed up for the speech _______ (compete) this year?

45. Everyone was ______ (surprise) when the magician was doing his tricks.

B. 根据句意及所给中文提示填空。

46. For further _______ (信息), please write to us at the following email address.

47. The plans to build a new library have been under______ (讨论) for a year.

48. Amy, I think you should take some ______ (药) for your cold.

49. He doesn't sleep well and his headache is getting _______ (更糟糕).

50. Thank you so much for ____ (邀请) us to your party.

C. 根据短文内容,从方框中选择合适的词和短语,并用其


smoke, give up, dangerous, death, photo

“Smoking is bad for your health. 51 smoking prevents health problems.” You can find these sentences on every pack of cigarettes in China. They warn (警告) people of the 52 of smoking.

But these warnings don’t work well, according to a recent report by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The organization gives out 53 warnings instead. It’s a “very useful and cheap way” to encourage people to stop smoking, WHO said.

Many other countries put big pictures of ill lungs (肺) or yellow teeth on packs of cigarettes.

In China, more than 300 million people are 54 , according to the National Health and Family Planning Commission. More than 3,000 Chinese people 55 every day from smoking-related (与吸烟相关的) illnesses.



New rules and behavior standards (行为规范) for middle school students have come out. 56. Who are the most excellent students? Middle schools use a new way to decide that. The best students won’t only have good grades. They will also be kids who don’t dye (染) their hair, smoke or drink. The following are some of the new rules.

57 Have you ever copied others’ work during an exam? Don’t do it again. That’s not what an honest student should do. If you played computer games for two hours in your room, don’t tell your parents you were doing your homework.

Do more at school. 58. 好学生热爱动物,关心他人。April is Bird-Loving Month in China. Is your school doing anything to celebrate? You should join! That way, you can learn more about animals and learn how to protect them. And when your classmates are in trouble, remember to give them a hand. You know a friend in need is a friend indeed.

Use the Internet carefully. Try to 59 away from Web pages that are bad for you. Find good websites and use them for homework.

Be open to new ideas. Have you ever thought that people could live on the moon? Maybe you can discover a new planet someday. Don’t look down on new ideas. 60. You should welcome them because new ideas can make life better.

56. 将文中划线的两个句子合并为一句。

Middle schools use a new way to decide ________ the most excellent students are.

57. 选出文中第二段的主题句。

A. Don’t copy others' work.

B. Never play computer games.

C. Tell the truth.

58. 将划线句子翻译成英语。


59. 在划线处填写一个单词,使句意完整。


60. 将划线处翻译成汉语。




You are in the mall and see a lady trying to open the door with bags in both of her hands. You help her open the door. “Thank you!”she says warmly. 61

The most widely-used reply is “You’re welcome”. This is what you might have learned in your textbook. While the textbook is correct, there are other good options as well. That’s because spoken English is quite informal (不正式的). 62 , so you’ll hear the shopping assistant reply with this – and hopefully with a smile, too! Another formal reply is “my pleasure”, which is getting outdated.

More common replies these days include “No problem”. 63 It’s also common when you’ve helped someone with a favor − for example, helping someone move a heavy box. It means it wasn’t difficult to give a helping hand. “Sure thing” is another popular reply.

If you’re speaking with an Australian friend, they might say “no worries”. 64

However, 65 So try these phrases and find the reply that suits your own style.

A. “You’re welcome”is formal

B. How would you reply?

C. People usually say it among friends.

D. Americans like using “Sure” or “It’s fine”.

E. There is no wrong way to reply to "thank you ".

F. It’s my pleasure.

G. People in most countries say “thank you” the same way.




What is your method (方法) for learning English?

2. How does this method work?

3. What advice do you want to give others about learning English?


1. 短文中包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。

2. 短文中不得出现真实的地名、校名和人名。

3. 词数80左右



一、1-5 BDAAC 6-10 ACDAD

11-15 CBCBC

二、16-20 CABCD 21-25 BDCBA

三、26-30 CAABC 31-35 ADACC

36-40 ABCBA


A. 41. enjoyable 42. personal 43. beginning

44. competition 45. surprised

B. 46. information 47. discussion

48. medicine 49. worse 50. inviting

C. 51. Giving up 52. dangers

53. photo 54. smokers 55. die


56. who

57. C

58. Good students love animals and care about others.

59. stay/keep/be

60. 你应该接受新想法,因为它们能使生活变得更美好。

六、61-65 BACDE

七、One possible version:

There are many methods for learning English. Different people may have different opinions. As for me, the most effective and efficient methods are as follows.

First, I make the best use of my free time. Learning English is a long journey and making good use of every minute in my spare time is really important.

Second, less is more. When I am trying to learn a language, “one thing at a time” is a useful rule. I do not tend to memorize a lot of words at a time. I try to slow down, step by step, and go over what I’ve learned from time to time.

Third, stick to it. Once I have decided to learn something new, I just keep doing it. Even if I come across a lot of difficulties, I do not give up. Success will never betray (背叛) those with willpower.

If you want to learn English well, you should find an English environment. If it’s not possible to practice with foreigners, you can always speak English to yourself. Just try to think, speak and write in English as much as you can. It will finally make a difference.