would kill to do sth 不惜一切代價做某事

(Maisy is forced into the back of a cop car and the cops get into the front seat. She stares out the window.梅西被塞進警車後座)

Mary Alice Voiceover:"It is often said that good news travels fast, but as every housewife knows, bad news moves quite a bit faster."人們常說好事傳千里,但每個主婦更清楚,壞事傳萬里

Woman: "Tisha? Hey. You are not going to believe this. Maisy Gibbons was arrested."


Tisha: "You cannot be serious."你開玩笑吧

Did you hear about Maisy?你聽說梅西的事了嗎?

(The news travels very quickly throughout the neighborhood.消息迅速傳遍真個街區。)

Maisy Gibbons running in handcuffs.梅西.吉本斯烤著手銬被帶走了。

I'd have killed to see that. 我竟然沒看到。


可以用could/would kill for sth

或者could/would kill to do sth來表示。


[Barcliff Academy巴克利學校]

(The crossing guard walks distractedly across the street, on her cell phone.)

Crossing Guard: "Maisy Gibbons running in handcuffs? I'd've killed to see that!"


(She walks past Lynette's car. Lynette turns to Parker, sitting in the back seat.)

Lynette: "Stay put.I'll be right back." 呆這兒。我一會就回來。

(She walks up to the front of the school, where some mothers are standing and a school official is talking to them.)

Headmaster Lenz: "Ladies, please calm down, ma'am. This is just a precaution. If you'll just take a flyer..."


(Lynette walks up to two other women, Tammy and Mona.)

Lynette: "Hey, guys. What's going on?"


Tammy: "Oh, there's been an outbreak of head lice."


Lynette: "Head lice."頭蝨?

Headmaster Lenz: "These flyers detail all the important information concerning the situation, including the recommended delousing combs."針對這些情況,列出了所有注意事項,包括推薦的滅蝨頭梳。

Tammy: "Delousing? Do they have to make it sound so disgusting?"


Mona: "Does anybody know where it started?"


Headmaster Lenz: "I'm sorry. That's confidential information. Barcliff maintains a strict no-blame policy."


(Preston and Porter walk out of the school and Lynette waves to them.)

Lynette: "Hey, guys, over here."孩子們,在這兒。

Mona: "I think parents have a right to know who brought this into our school."


(As the boys walk toward her, they both begin scratching their heads.)

Headmaster Lenz: "Please calm down, ma'am. Our position is that there's nothing to be gained by pointing fingers."請冷靜,夫人。我們認為這時指責無濟於事。

句型:There’s nothing to be gained by doing sth.做......是沒有用的/無濟於事

詞組:point fingers 人們指著手指互相責怪

Fierce-browed, I coolly defy a thousand pointing fingers; headbowed, like a willing ox, I serve the children. 橫眉冷對千夫指, 俯首甘為孺子牛。

(Tammy notices Lynette's intense gaze at her children and turns to see what she's looking at.)

Headmaster Lenz: "To identify the child who initiated the outbreak might result in him or her being subjected to ridicule."指出引發頭蝨的孩子只會引起他或她成為笑柄

(Tammy sees the twins scratching and turns a meaningful gaze onto Mona, who catches sight of them as well. Lynette, distracted, keeps her eyes on her boys.)

Lynette: "I, um, excuse me."失陪了。

Headmaster Lenz: "If you'll just take a flyer..."請看傳單

Lynette: "Stop scratching. Stop scratching. Now, now, stop it. Guys, let's go, okay? Stop scratching. I mean it. Stop, stop."別抓了。別抓了。 馬上停下。咱們走。別抓了。說真的。停下來。

Lynette: "Hey. See you later."

Tammy and Mona: "Bye."

(They watch Lynette and her boys walk away from them.)