02.26 Bobergsskolan學校,斯德哥爾摩

自瑞典著名建築師Ferdinand Boberg設計斯德哥爾摩煤氣廠以來,已經過去了100年左右了。該煤氣廠將磚石與花崗岩結合在一起,並在此基礎上加入了很多精美的裝飾,從而形成了強烈的自我建築風格,並因此久負盛名。如今,這座建築已經不再生產煤氣,煤氣廠也搖身一變,向著“成為歐洲最大的城市規劃項目之一的文化中心——斯德哥爾摩皇家港口區”的目標進發。兩座巨大的儲氣器作為煤氣廠線性生產結構的一部分,仍然在城市景觀中佔據著主導地位。新的Bobergskolan學校體量被精巧地置入了場地中。作為一所綜合性的學校,它將為900名6至15歲的學生提供教育空間。

About 100 years has passed since renowned Swedish architect Ferdinand Boberg designed the Gasworks of Stockholm. A prestigious project with powerful architecture of brick and granite, but also of delicate embellishment. Today the production of gas has vacated the premises and the Gasworks are becoming the cultural centre of one of Europe’s largest urban developments: The Stockholm Royal Seaport. The two large gasometers still dominate the cityscape and at their base, as part of the Gasworks linear and productionbased structure, the new Bobergskolan has been neatly fitted, designed to be a comprehensive school for 900 students from the ages of six to 15.

▼坐落在煤氣廠磚石建築中的學校遠景,distant view of the school neatly fitted into the Gasworks ©Mattias Hamrén


▼項目生成過程,the elements ©Max Arkitekter AB

The school consists visually of three buildings, one of which an old workshop building. A fourth volume is hidden beneath the school yard, connecting the entire school on a souterrain level. The facades are clad in an expressive grey brick and has numerous details and patterns, reflecting the expressive brick ornamentation of the Gasworks’ existing buildings. A large part of Bobergsskolan is situated below ground, in a steep slope, where the school bridges the difference in level between the Gasworks and Hjorthagen.

▼學校和室外活動場地,the school and its playground ©Mattias Hamrén

▼學校外牆上覆蓋著灰磚, 灰磚形成不同的圖案紋理,the facades are clad in grey bricks and has numerous details and patterns ©Mattias Hamrén

▼學校灰磚外牆局部,partial view of the facade made of grey bricks ©Mattias Hamrén

▼學校外牆局部,其窗洞上安裝了金屬絲網,partial view of the facade, whose openings are installed with mesh ©Mattias Hamrén

▼學校外牆局部及其細節,partial view of the facade and its details ©Mattias Hamrén

▼學校外觀,採用雙坡屋頂的形式,the school volume with gable roofs ©Mattias Hamrén


▼圖書館的窗邊閱覽區,the reading area beside the window ©Mattias Hamrén

▼被改造成圖書館的老廠房室內,中心書架圍合出一個獨立的體量,interior view of the library transfromed from the old workshop building, the centrally placed bookshelves enclose an independent space ©Mattias Hamrén

▼中心書架區的上層空間,the upper level of the space enclosed by bookshelves ©Mattias Hamrén

Care has been given organising the schools functions to create security and calm. Older and younger students have separate buildings and entrances but meet in the dining hall which is placed centrally between the buildings. The old workshop building is home to the school library, a room full of history and stories in more than one aspect. The school is divided into more private settings, habitats, where groups of 90 students have their abode. These smaller entities in the larger school consist of a variety of rooms, with a larger flowing space at its core, connecting to rooms of different sizes, functions and character.

▼與圖書館相鄰的學校空間,the classroom adjacent to the library ©Mattias Hamrén

Bobergsskolan學校是一個複雜的建築項目,充滿了高低、虛實、透明度和新舊之間的對比。 穿梭在親密又廣闊的校園空間內,人們會得到一種別樣的體驗。不同樓層和走廊之間的通透感和連續性營造出一種盡在掌控之中的安全感。與此同時,捉迷藏般的小窗戶和側燈也在更為廣義的空間層面創造出一系列讓人們心中有譜的空間:學生們可以自行選擇行走的路線,不僅可以窺探來人,更能對他們即將進入的空間有一個大致的提前認知。建築和室內相互聯繫,通過細節、圖案和材料等,來創造出一種Bobergsskolan學校所特有的歸屬感和可辨別性。

▼學校室內空間,通透的玻璃樓板增強了上下樓層之間的聯繫,interior view of the school, the transparent glass slab creates a relationship between different levels ©Mattias Hamrén

▼通透的室內空間,the interior space with transparency ©Mattias Hamrén

▼室內空間,部分牆面採用豎向紋理的木製貼面,interior view, some walls are covered by wooden veneers with vertical patterns ©Mattias Hamrén

▼開放式室內活動室,the open interior classroom ©Mattias Hamrén

▼活動室局部,partial interior view of the classroom ©Mattias Hamrén

▼活動室內設有各種娛樂設施,the classroom with playing facilities ©Mattias Hamrén

Bobergsskolan is a complex building full of contrasts; high/low, solid/void, transparent/opac, old/new. It is a rich experience to move through the school with its both intimate and grand spaces. The transparency and connectivity between different stories and galleries create a sense of control and security, while peek-a-boo windows and side lights create secure spaces through a more discreet overview. The students of the school have the possibility to choose route, see who’s approaching, and get a sense of the room they are entering. Architecture and interior architecture liaise to generate belonging and legibility by using details, patterns and materials unique to Bobergsskolan.

▼通高空間,不同樓層之間的通透感和連續性營造出一種盡在掌控之中的安全感,the double-height space, the transparency and connectivity between different storiescreate a sense of control and security ©Mattias Hamrén

▼教室,the classroom ©Mattias Hamrén

▼上層的走廊空間採用金屬絲網作為隔牆,the upper corridor with the mesh acting as the partition wall ©Mattias Hamrén

▼金屬絲網確保了上下層之間的視線聯繫,the mesh provides a connectivity between different stories ©Mattias Hamrén

▼室內樓梯,the stairs ©Mattias Hamrén

Bobergsskolan學校旨在通過其佈局、空間、自然採光和持久耐用的室內設計來將自身打造為一個可持續的項目。學校通過了瑞典綠色建築委員會(Sweden Green Building Council)的認證,憑藉著自身在能源、室內環境和建築材料的出色表現,被評為了環保型建築(Environmental Building)金獎。學校建築本就是一個被動式能源的建築。除此之外,它還滿足了斯德哥爾摩皇家港口區的能源要求。2009年,斯德哥爾摩城市委員會(Stockholm City Council)提議將該地打造為一個環境友好型區塊,在儘可能突破界限的基礎上,將該地作為可持續城市發展的典範。

▼室內局部,天窗可實現室內空間的自然採光,interior view, the skylight provides natural light ©Mattias Hamrén

▼音樂教室,設有采光天井,the music classroom with the light well ©Mattias Hamrén

Bobergsskolan is designed to be sustainable building, with layout, spaces, natural light and interiors with long lasting qualities. The school is also certified by the Sweden Green Building Council as an Environmental Building with Gold rating and assessed in three areas; energy, indoor environment and building materials. The energy standard of the building is equal to a passive house. In addition to this the requirements of The Stockholm Royal Seaport have been met. In 2009 the Stockholm City Council decided that the area would be designed with an environmental profile, pushing boundaries where possible, to become a model of sustainable urban development.

▼不同顏色的洗手間,the restrooms in different colors ©Mattias Hamrén

▼空間細節,space details ©Mattias Hamrén

▼總平面圖,site plan ©Max Arkitekter AB

▼首層平面圖,plan 0 ©Max Arkitekter AB

▼三層平面圖,plan 2 ©Max Arkitekter AB

▼五層平面圖,plan 4 ©Max Arkitekter AB

▼立面圖,elevations ©Max Arkitekter AB

▼剖面圖,section ©Max Arkitekter AB