02.29 Should've,would've,could've 用法全解

Hello everyone and welcome back to English with Lucy. Today I have a video for you on shoulda, woulda, and coulda or actually should've, would've, and could've.

大家好,歡迎回到跟著Lucy學英語。今天我為你們呈上的視頻是關於shoulda,woulda,和 coulda,或者也寫作should've,would've,和 could've。

Now I cannot claim any of the glory for this video. This video idea was from my husband-to-be.


He was listening to the shoulda woulda coulda song on holiday and had a brainwave and told me that I should make this video. And I can't believe I haven't made it before.

他休假的時候正在聽一首名為《shoulda woulda coulda》的歌,然後突然靈機一動跟我說我應該製作這期視頻。而且我不敢相信的是我之前都沒有做過相關視頻。

These are such important words that you must learn to use.Should have, would have, and could have——a past modals used hypothetically.


And this can be quite confusing. So I'm really happy that I can take the time today to clarify it for you.


Ah, and don't forget there is a quiz at the end of the lesson and I'm very much looking forward to seeing your answers in the comment section down below. Quickly before we get started, I would just like to thank the sponsor of today's video.


It's lingoda with the language sprint. Do you want to rapidly improve your speaking skills, your confidence and boost your fluency?


What if I told you you could do this in just three months and earn up to a 100% refund? This opportunity is called the language sprint promotion, previously known as the lingoda language marathon.


You can join the sprint in English, French, Spanish, German and business English. You take a class every day for 3 months, that's 30 classes per month, if you do the super sprint or there is the option of the standard sprint which is 15 classes per month.


I've tried lingoda myself and I was blown away by the experience. Lingoda is also now an authorized linguaskill agent for Cambridge Assessment English, which is incredible.


If Cambridge approves, they're pretty good. All teachers are qualified native speakers and you take classes at your convenience, anytime anywhere as long as you have a stable Internet connection.


Group sizes are small with an average class size of just three students. You study a structured curriculum and all of your learning materials are provided.


This sprint starts on the 29th of January 2020 and finishes on the 27th of April 2020. You have to participate in an agreed number of classes every month in order to succeed.


You can only take one class per day, every day. Now originally lingoda, we're going to close the gates to the sprint on the 19th of December, but they've decided to give you more time so now you can sign up until the 27th of January.


After registering for the sprint, you automatically sign up for a three-month long subscription. But you can get a 10 euro discount on your first month of the sprint by using my code last call 6.

註冊完衝刺活動後,你就自動報名了一個為期三個月的訂閱。但是通過使用我的優惠碼“last call 6”,你們可以獲得10歐元的優惠券用於支付第一個月的費用。

Upon registration you agree to make one payment a month for three months, breaking down the initial cost. However, if you complete the Sprint by following the rules and attending and participating in every class, you will receive a 100% refund.


How motivating is that for a language challenge. Study hard enough, get your money back.


Graduates of previous lingoda language challenges have said that properly reading the rules is the key to getting that refund. More than 20,000 students have participated in six similar lingoda language challenges over the past three years.


For many, it has completely transformed their lives, allowing them to advance in their career, travel all over the world, and meet new people. They've shared their life-changing experience with lingoda and you can read about it on their website.


I've got some posts linked down below. I'd also encourage you to visit their Instagram page where you can read more inspiring stories.


So do you want to transform your speaking skills and your confidence quickly? Click on the link in the description box and use my code last call 6 for 10 euros off your first month.

所以你想要快速改變你的口語技巧以及自信心嗎?請點擊描述欄中的鏈接,並在使用我的優惠碼“last call 6”來獲得10歐元的優惠用於你的首月支付。

Right, let's get back to the lesson should have, would have, and could have. We often use these words to express regret to show that we are unhappy with a decision or action and wish that we had done something differently.


I'm going to give you a brief overview, so you get a general understanding, and then we're going to look a little bit deeper into shoulda, woulda, coulda, should have, would have, and could have. What's the difference between should've, would've, could've and should have, would have, and could have?

我要先給你們講一下概要知識,這樣你們就能有一個大致的瞭解,然後我們會再深入瞭解一下shoulda,woulda,coulda,即should have,would have,和 could have。Should've,would've,could've 跟 should have,would have,could have之間的區別是什麼呢?

Well, apostrophe ve is just the contracted form of "have". It makes it easier to say.


Shoulda, woulda, and coulda is slang. Do not use it in an English exam.


For my initial examples, I'm going to use driving exams because I found learning to drive to be very very difficult. I really really struggled and I know a lot of you struggle with English.


So I think it's a similar concept. I found it very difficult to learn to drive and I failed my first two driving exams.


I do think that learning to drive is like learning a language. You can't just study loads and pick it up in one day.


It's a slow process and some people are naturally better at it than others. But nearly everyone is capable of learning to drive confidently, and almost everyone is capable of learning to speak English confidently.


So let's look at an action or decision and its outcome. The action is that I didn't practice enough.


I didn't practice enough. The outcome: I failed my driving test.


I failed my driving test. I didn't practice enough so I failed my driving test.


This is totally true, it's exactly what happened. My driving instructor was disappointed in me and he said you should have practiced more.


You should have practiced more. We use should have and past participle when something would have been a good idea, but we didn't do it.

你本應該多練習的。我們使用should have加上過去分詞來表示某件事情本來是個好主意,但是我們沒有做。

Practicing more would have been a good idea but I didn't do it and he said to me you should have practiced more. He also said you could have practiced more but you didn't.


You could have practiced more but you didn't. We use could have and past participle when something was possible in the past but we didn't do it.

你本可以多練習的,但是你沒有。我們使用could have加上過去分詞來表示某件事在過去是可能的,但是我們沒有做。

It was possible for me to practice more but I didn't do it. I was able to practice more, I had the ability to practice more, but I didn't.


He also said to me if you had practiced more, you would have passed the exam. If you had practiced more, you would have passed the exam.


We use would have and past participle as part of the third conditional. If plus past perfect: if you had practiced, then would have and past participle: you would have passed.

我們使用would have加過去分詞作為第三條件句(注:與過去事實相反的虛擬條件句)的一部分。如果加上過去完成時:如果你練習了,然後是would have加上過去分詞:你就會通過考試。

This is used to describe a situation that didn't happen and to imagine the results of this situation. Now let's look a little deeper and analyze some more examples.


Let's take a look at should've. As I said before, we use should have and past participle when something would have been a good idea, but you didn't do it.

我們來看看should've。正如我之前所說,我們使用should have加上過去分詞來表示某事本來是個好主意,但是你沒有做。

When we use it to talk about someone else, it's like giving advice. An example, you should have asked me, I have loads of butter.


I'm sort of giving advice here. Next time they need butter, they should call me, because I have loads.


When we use it to talk about ourselves, it's like expressing regret. An example, I should have asked before going home early.


I'm expressing regret. I regret leaving early without permission.


Now there is another use for should have and past participle. Slightly less common, but important all the same.


It's used to talk about something that if everything has gone as expected, we think has already happened. Now we aren't a hundred percent certain that everything has gone as expected, so instead of using the present perfect or the past simple we use should have.

它被用來談論如果一切都按照預期的發生,那麼我們認為某事已經發生了。我們並不是100%確定一切都按照預期的發生,所以我們使用should have而不是現在完成時或過去完成時。

This will be much more clear in an example. I'll give that next, but just a quick note: we often use should have in this way with by now.

用一個例句就能夠講清楚這一點了。我稍後會給你們例句,但是這裡有個小提示:我們在這樣使用should have的時候會帶上by now到目前為止。

First example, William should have finished work by now. If everything is as expected, Will has finished work.


Or George's bus should have arrived by now. If everything is as expected, George's bus has arrived.


Now there is another context for this. We can use this to talk about something that would have happened if everything went as expected, but it hasn't.


I'm standing on a train platform. I'm waiting for a train to leave, but it hasn't.


I could say the train should have left by now. Now what about shouldn't have and the past participle?

我可以說,火車現在本該走了。那麼shouldn't have加上過去分詞要怎麼用呢?

We use this to talk about something that wasn't a good idea but we did it anyway. For example, I shouldn't have called my ex-boyfriend last night.


This is just an example, don't worry, I'm not calling ex-boyfriends. I knew it was a bad idea but I did it anyway and I regret it.


Or another common one. Oh, you shouldn't have bought us gifts.


A very common expression when you give someone a gift is oh, you shouldn't have. That's their response to the gift.


This means you really didn't need to. It wasn't expected.


It's a positive response, not a negative one. So don't worry if someone says you shouldn't have when you give them something.


Now what about could have and the past participle? We use could have and the past participle when something was possible in the past but you didn't do it.

那麼could have加上過去分詞怎麼用呢?我們用could have加上過去分詞來表示某件事情在過去是可能的,但是你卻沒有做。

For example, I could have gone to work but I decided to stay in bed and watch Love Actually. I watched that the other day.


It's so good. Going to work was possible but I didn't do it.


Or I could have studied more but I was too busy partying. It was possible for me to study more but I didn't.


We also used could have and the past participle when we are trying to make a guess about something that happened in the past. This is hypothetical.

我們還可以用could have加上過去分詞來表示我們在努力猜過去發生的事情。這是假設。

We don't know if what we are saying is true or not. It's just our opinion.


For example, if somebody asks why is James so late to this meeting, we could offer various opinions. He could have overslept.


He could have missed the bus. He could have mysteriously died.


All very valid opinions. So what about couldn't have plus the past participle?

都是合理的觀點。那麼couldn't have加過去分詞怎麼用呢?

This means that something wasn't possible in the past even if we had wanted to do it. For example, I couldn't have left any earlier.


It was impossible for me to leave any earlier. Or a really nice one, she couldn't have been happier with her present.


It was impossible for her to have been any happier. You often hear a lot of married couples saying, I couldn't have asked for a better husband or I couldn't have asked for a better partner in crime.


And that seems to be something that everyone's saying all the time, partner in crime. I'm sure I've said it somewhere on my Instagram.


Now let's discuss would have and the past participle. If plus past perfect and then would have and the past participle.

現在我們來討論一下would have加上過去分詞。“如果”加上過去完成時,然後是would have加上過去分詞。

We're describing a situation that didn't happen and imagining the result of the situation. If she had refused a starter, she would have had room for dessert.


Or a negative version, if I hadn't gone to university, I wouldn't have become a doctor. There is another use of would have and the past participle.

或者否定句中,如果我沒有去上大學,我就不可能成為一名醫生。Would have加上過去分詞還有另一種用法。

We use it to talk about something we wanted to do but didn't. It's very similar to the third conditional, but we don't use an if clause.


An example, I would have visited you more often but I was too busy with work. Or she would have texted me, but her phone was out of battery.


Right, I hope that is clear. Now for you, if it's not, feel free to ask any questions down below in the comment section, but before you do that we have a quiz, very important, again, I'd love you to share your answers.


I'll try and correct as many as I can but feel free to correct each other. So for these, it's a multiple-choice quiz and you have to pick the best fit.


Sometimes there are multiple options, but I want the best fit. Number one, you ' seen him in the supermarket, he was with me!

有時候答案可能不止一個,但是我想要最合適的那個。第一題,you ' seen him in the supermarket,he was with me!

You ' seen him in the supermarket, he was with me! Is it couldn't have, shouldn't have, or wouldn't have?

You ' seen him in the supermarket,he was with me!是couldn't have,shouldn't have,還是 wouldn't have呢?

. . . . . . Number two, yes, I know I ' studied last night but I did an escape room instead.

第二題,yes,I know I ' studied last night but I did an escape room instead.Yes,I know I ' studied last night but I did an escape room instead.

Yes, I know I ' studied last night but I did an escape room instead. Is it could have, should have, or would have?

是could have,should have,還是 would have呢?第三題,I ' been happy to have you stay,why didn't you ask?

. . . . . . Number three, I ' been happy to have you stay, why didn't you ask?

I ' been happy to have you stay,why didn't you ask?是could have,should have,還是 would have呢?

I ' been happy to have you stay, why didn't you ask? Is it could have, should have, or would have?

第四題,you ' left the party so early,it was really rude.You ' left the party so early,it was really rude.

. . . . . . Number four, you' left the party so early, it was really rude.

是couldn't have,shouldn't have,還是 wouldn't have呢?最後一題,第五題,if you had trained more thoroughly,you ' completed the marathon.

You ' left the party so early, it was really rude. Is it couldn't have, shouldn't have, or wouldn't have?

If you had trained more thoroughly,you ' completed the marathon.是could have,should have,還是 would have呢?

. . . . . . And the last one, number five, if you had trained more thoroughly, you ' completed the marathon.


If you had trained more thoroughly, you ' completed the marathon. Is it could have, should have, or would have?

如果你們對語言衝刺活動感興趣,並且想要報名,你們可以點擊描述欄中的鏈接,並且使用我的優惠碼“last call 6”來獲得10歐元的優惠用於第一個月的支付。別忘記在我所有的社交媒體上聯繫我。

. . . . . . Right, that's it for today's lesson.

我有臉書、INS、推特和個人頻道Lucy Bella Elle。我們下節課再見。

Don't forget to share your test results down below. If you are interested in the language sprint and want to sign up, you can click on the link in the description box and use my code last call 6 for a 10 euro discount on your first month.

Don't forget to connect with me on all of my social media. I've got my facebook, my Instagram, my Twitter and my personal channel called Lucy Bella Elle.

I will see you soon for another lesson.