02.29 Parque Toreo商業綜合體,墨西哥

今天,伴隨著日益加劇的土地和人口密度之間的矛盾,全世界的大都市都在經歷一場有關城市發展的變革。“Parque Toreo”商業綜合體項目正是在當前形勢下的一個探索。這個龐大的綜合體位於墨西哥的Naucalpan,後者是墨西哥城北部最為繁華的郊區,商業發達。項目的總建築面積為46,793.57平米,毗鄰城市主幹道,交通便利。

There is a clear trend in leading cities worldwide towards urban transformation that is above all the result of social and demographic evolution, reconciling densities and land uses to trigger development.

“Parque Toreo” was designed as a mixed-use complex and as a prime example of this phenomenon of urbanization. The site is located in Naucalpan, State of Mexico, the most developed suburban area with signi cant commerce to the north of Mexico City. It measures 46,793.57 sqm and includes access to main roads such as: Periférico Norte, Río San Joaquín Avenue and Parque de Chapultepec Avenue.

▼從購物中心入口看向建築,the exterior view

建築師對此寄予厚望,評論說,“我們相信Parque Toreo將會成為區域經濟振興的關鍵之筆,它將帶來Toreo-Naucalpan以及Toreo-Reforma區域的復甦。”

“We believe that Parque Toreo, as a focal point of reorganization, it will trigger the recovery of the Toreo- Naucalpan corridor and of the Toreo-Reforma zone.” Commented by Javier Sordo Madaleno Bringas

▼從城市道路看向建築,street view


From the start, the master plan was conceived as “a great park,” an urban space that comprehensively unites different uses. This project contains a shopping mall, a hotel and three corporate buildings, covering a total of 440,580 sqm of built area.

The shopping mall successfully concluded in October 2014. Meanwhile the second stage began operation in mid 2016.

▼綜合體由商場、酒店以及辦公樓組成,the complex including a shopping mall, a hotel and three corporate buildings

▼建築入口處的幕牆細節,the curtain wall detail at the entrance


In the shopping mall the user is at the center circulating among fountains, trees and open spaces, with the aim of enjoying a public space and providing a site for social encounter and interaction for the zone and the city as a whole. The rich vegetation with big trees over the shopping mall generates a balanced atmosphere with the retail spaces.

“The heart of the project is a park of approximately 6,000 sqm that provides a real sense of peace and connection with the green areas in this zone which is so arid because of the junction between Periférico and Río San Joaquín.”

The shopping mall occupies the first four floors, with stores, cinemas and restaurants that fill these semi-enclosed spaces with life and cover approximately 91,500 sqm. The construction of an anchor store is soon to be finalized adding 25,000 sqm to the commercial area.

▼四層購物中心內綠蔭環繞,the shopping mall with fountains, trees and open spaces


The “B” and “C” office towers hold an approximate built area of 60,000 sqm. The executive hotel includes 220 rooms covering an area of 15,000 sqm over 15 floors with the “A” office tower with a total area of 60,000 sqm are currently under construction.

▼辦公樓的入口大堂,the lobby at the office towers

建築師介紹說,“大屋面是這個設計中最有趣的部分,它具有宏大的尺度,可以讓自然光甚至雨水從中進入。” 綜合體建有六層地下停車場,並在購物中心及辦公樓層之間設有轉換層,以提供不同功能之間的靈活轉換。在轉換層還設有商業俱樂部和一個展覽空間,這裡可以舉辦畫展、文化活動、培訓以及演講等活動。

“The roof is one of the most interesting things we have created – as well as its vast size the design allows light and rainfall into different areas of the complex.”Javier Sordo Madaleno Bringas

The project includes six floors of underground parking to meet the parking needs. The “transfer” area located between the floors occupied by the shopping mall and the ground floor of the offices serves as a distributor and filter for the good operation of the different uses. This area houses a business club with attractive spaces that generate new experiences such as exhibitions, cultural events, training halls, an auditorium, etc.

▼大屋面是整個設計中最有趣的部分,the grand roof is one of the most interesting part

▼夜景,night view


▼地面層平面圖,ground floor plan

▼一層平面圖,first floor plan

▼二層平面圖,second floor plan
