07.05 老外說 in the wind,我理解成“在風中”,竟然被他笑話


我問他:When will you get married ?

他回答:In the wind.

我心裡想著,他說 in the wind 在風裡,應該是“這個事情吹了,沒戲了”的意思,看來要安慰一下。

我說一句“I‘m so sorry to hear that”,然後想起大學口語課,老師說的 there are plenty of fish in the sea,大概意思是“天涯何處無芳草,何必單戀一枝花”,積壓了多年的口語經典句子,終於要派上用場了!


Why did you say sorry to hear that ?

我解釋道:you said something was in the wind,I thought you had broken up with your girlfriend !( break up with sb 和某人分手)


No, I will get married with her soon, in the wind means something is about to happen.


這是一次赤裸裸的culture shock,我們中文中說某事“在風中”,說的是“漂浮不定,沒有落地,很縹緲”,而

in the wind 在英文中的意思是“即將發生,在醞釀當中”。所以聽到in the wind,不要理解成“某事還沒有譜,八字鬍鬚沒有一撇”。


Freddy's close friends knew that marriage was in the wind.


當然,如果說樹葉在風中飄落也可以用in the wind,這個意思是本意,例如:

The bushes and trees were blowing in the wind.


在in the wind 前面加上 the straw,即 a straw in the wind 又是另外一個意思,它表達的是:(預示發生某事的)跡象,苗條,徵兆。我們知道,要下大雨之前,總會看到風中揚著凌亂的稻草。

Economic experts said today that the increase in auto sales the last 30 days is a straw in the wind that the nation's economy is beginning to recover from the brief recession."


今天主要學習in the wind 和 a straw in the wind 的意思和用法,大家要區分好。