01.18 詹姆斯離喬丹的距離有多遠?他退役之時歷史地位能否戰勝喬丹?

你認為數據的積累能幫助詹姆斯在歷史地位上超越喬丹嗎? (單選)

名記Zach Lowe:“詹姆斯退役時會是歷史第一人(如果現在他還不是的話)。在歷史第一人的地位,詹姆斯現在已經和喬丹並駕齊驅了。只要他再打出4個禽獸般的賽季,數據上講,這個話題將不再有爭議。”

Zach Lowe: "Lebron will be the greatest player by the time he retires if he hasn't already, at this moment he is neck and neck with Jordan as the greatest player ever. Once he posts 4 more monster years, statistically there will be no conversation" @32min

Was really shocked to see Zach Lowe make this statement. The definitiveness of his statement was genuinely mind blowing. Stats shouldn't be able to elevate lebron over Jordan moving forward. I find that their is a selective process for when stats get used to boost players legacy. Westbrook should be entering top 20 status if stats mean this much.

我真的被Zach Lowe的言論所震驚了。他話語中的堅定讓人聽得凌亂。在未來,數據根本無法讓詹姆斯超越喬丹啊。我發現人們在評價球員歷史地位時總是有選擇地使用數據。要是數據真有這麼重要的話威少已經是歷史前20了。

[–]RaptorsKawhiGotUsNow 142 指標 5小時前

Westbrook should be entering top 20 status if stats mean this much.

This is much dumber than what Lowe said.


你這話說的比Zach Lowe還蠢。

[–][TOR] Bruno CabocloXeibi 160 指標 5小時前

These younglings talking bout LeBron and Jordan...

smh back in my day Bob Cousy was the true GOAT, playing against true defenses and not this malarkey of the 80s, 90s, and 00s.



[–]Lakersshamrock8421 448 指標 5小時前

The title of GOAT will ultimately be bestowed upon he whose version of “Space Jam” is superior.


[–]NBANot_Me25 114 指標 3小時前

No way any new Space Jam touches the old one. Not a chance


[–][UTA] Donovan MitchellHydromorfiend 80 指標 2小時前

Nostalgia is a powerful thing


[–]Twoweekswithpay 811 指標 5小時前*

I was there for Jordan, and yes, we were spoiled by the narrative that one guy is all it takes to win a championship, when in reality, it was the mix of the best player, an unusually unselfish great #2 in Pippen, good mix of role players, and a head coach/coaching staff that just knew how to maximize the best out of all their players.


In this fashion, Steph Curry is having the career MJ had. But the league is covered in a more nuanced way now and more people watch players on a night-in, night-out basis to recognize the difference between great stats and great players.


For me, I did think 6-0 trumped everything but with Lebron, i’ve Come to realize that it does matter who your teammates and coaches are. Lebron has never had a phil Jackson. Had Lebron joined the warriors instead Of Cleveland way back when after Miami, we’d be talking about him as the greatest ever, due to his likely 7th title this year. But, he chose the hard way and won one for Cleveland.


Michael had a lot of things working for him, including being drafted into a major market from the start. The one area that is hard to quantify though that seemingly gives MJ the edge is that in the way Lebron seemingly had a psychological grip on the raptors, michael had that over the entire league during his 6 titles. That’s something that really has only been seen a couple times since with Tiger Woods or Serena Williams, and those are individual sports.


The Bull’s dominance, only when MJ was on the team, led to a false equivalency, however, between being “the best player” and “winning a championship.” But, that’s okay. I think Lebron wins a championship with the lakers and he’ll be the first one to win 3 finals mvp’s for 3 franchises. He’ll be in the statistical top 5 all time in scoring and assists. And he’ll have the distinction of the greatest of his generation.


We’ll appreciate him much more after he’s gone. We’ll remember him as the guy who survived and thrived in the social media age without any major blips. And, he’ll leave us all in a better place from a fan’s perspective in knowing that in team sports, the best players give you the potential to win a championship, but to actually win it, it takes more than just “The Man.”


[–]crowntheking 210 指標 5小時前

This is a really great comment..

The Steph curry comparison is interesting and even if he wins this year no one is going to be calling him the greatest of all time. His situation is a lot more similar to Jordan's then LeBron's ever has been




[–]WizardsMarmaladeFugitive 115 指標 4小時前

KD robbed us of peak Curry. He probably wouldn't end up the greatest ever...but I sure as fuck wanted to see him try for it.


[–]Celticskilltasticfever 64 指標 4小時前

Not really, steph has MUCH more in terms of help/team than jordan ever did.


[–]peppermintpattymills 75 指標 4小時前

Displaying a Finals record as 6-0 is super misleading because it implies that 6-0 is better than 6-2. That's what bugs me about saying Jordan never lost a Finals. He also didn't make a Finals for the first like seven years of his career or whatever.


[–]76ersmatgopack 56 指標 3小時前


Playoff overall record: MJ: 119-60 (66.5%)

Lebron: 154-79 (66.1%)

Almost identical, with a larger volume for Lebron.





[–][OKC] Raymond FeltonDTttfu 368 指標 6小時前

Statistically definitely but not in accolades


[–][GSW] Stephen Curryec20 180 指標 5小時前

I understood Zach to mean that the greater longevity of strong statistical seasons, combined with the accolades Lebron does have, would make him the GOAT.

So not necessarily that peak Lebron was better than peak Jordan, but that Lebron's peaks combined with his longevity should make him the GOAT.



[–][DAL] Steve Nashaceofspadez138 61 指標 4小時前

But then one can raise the argument that modern medicine/sports science better equips players nowadays to have greater longevity. Jordan came back after three years of retirement and averaged nearly averaged 23/6/5 at age 38. And at age 39, he averaged nearly 20/6/4.


I'm not saying that's enough to trump LeBron's longevity or anything (especially given that he started earlier than Jordan, and will never have taken time off in between), because it's heavily hypothetical, but just saying that people will bring that up.


[–]RaptorsTheToogood 103 指標 4小時前

but LeBron has been proven to be an anomaly even today


[–]Bullscobrakaistrikefree 92 指標 4小時前

the flip side is that due to modern medicine or whatever the league now is more talented than it ever has been. lebron has played his entire prime in the most talent-laden era in nba history. i still have him behind mj but it wouldnt surprise me if bron was widely considered the goat in 10-15 years



[–]little_shit_timmy 57 指標 4小時前

Thank you. All Stars take up 1% of the league, and we can subjectively debate which era has the better all-stars. What about the 99%? LeBron on average played against more skilled and athletic players than Jordan did - and that's not subjective, that's a fact.


[–]delont3west 128 指標 6小時前*

No shit he'll have the edge in stats as he'll have played much longer, no one is going to argue Jordan had better longevity than LeBron (or Kareem).

But while he has less volume stats, Jordan got far more individual accolades in his fewer seasons.


Edit: Jordan had more MVPs, more scoring titles, more steals titles, more all-defense first teams, DPOY, the highest career PER in regular season history, the highest career PER in playoff history, the highest career WS/48 in regular season history, the highest career WS/48 in playoff history


[–]Raptorspleasefeedthedino 56 指標 5小時前

It’s not even just accolades. It’s how they played the game. LeBron is a legend but he just hasn’t been as consistent in his greatness as Jordan was.


[–]Lakersso-cal_kid 112 指標 5小時前

Nor dominant. Jordan thoroughly dominated his era. Granted Lebron ran into this Warriors dynasty, but even before that he lost to the Mavs and Spurs. Jordan laid waste to everyone he faced at his peak.


[–]CavaliersJjab430 41 指標 5小時前

How many rings do you think Jordan would have if Hakeem, Barkley, Miller, and Mutombo teamed up in the middle of his prime?


[–]WestVerySadAllTheTime 68 指標 5小時前

On the other hand how many rings do you think he’d have if he teamed up with Stockton and Robinson


[–][CHI] Rajon Rondobluemagic124 82 指標 5小時前

Scottie Pippen is a HOF level talent in his own right


[–]peppermintpattymills 40 指標 4小時前

The '94 Bulls won 55 games, Pippen averaged 22.0/8.7/5.6 with 2.9spg and they went seven games in the Eastern conference semis.

The '16 Cavs without LeBron probably wouldn't win 40 games or make the playoffs. Yeah Kyrie and Love are good. No they aren't that good.




[–]CelticsBillygoatsinbed 86 指標 6小時前

Yeah statistically LeBron is the greatest of all time but Jordan has him beat in accolades


[–]Bucksniceboy03 63 指標 5小時前

Even statistically lebron isn’t. It would be wilt


[–]pianomormon 129 指標 5小時前

If we're talking about statistical consistency and longevity, its not Wilt that makes a case against LeBron, it'd be Kareem.


[–][DEN] Nikola JokicRedSoxEatPoop 50 指標 6小時前

Well I guess volume statistic wise...Jordan retired twice which helps out a lot lol

I love Bron but there isn't going to be a real debate until he wins another ring and although people on here don't want to hear that, it's 100% true.

E: I guess he technically retired 3 times but the point stands




[–][LAL] Kobe BryantTOP_5_DOA 56 指標 5小時前

MJ averaged 30/6/5 on 50% shooting and 2.3 steals in his regular season career 33/6/6 on 49% shooting and 2.1 steals in his playoff career 34/6/6 on 48% and nearly 2 steals in his Finals career


Also DPOY, 10 time scoring champ, 3 time steals leader. All this while only playing 18 games in his 2nd season due to injury and playing only 17 games in 95 after coming back from retirement. MJ is the GOAT
