06.13 五个很傻帽的词,你是不是也经常在用?

Hey guys, so there are always ways to improve ourselves, especially in our English. One article that I stumbled upon was titled “Six words that can ruin your sentence,” but today we will go over five.


I noticed that the words on this list were some words that I often use and wanted to share it with you guys so we can both improve our English.


Crutch words are words that we slip into sentences in order to give ourselves more time to think, or to emphasize a statement. Over time they become unconscious verbal tics. Most often, crutch words do not add meaning to a statement. Ready, lets go!



Actually 事实上

This is a perfect example of a crutch word. It is meant to signify something that exists in reality, but it is more often used as a way to add punch to a statement.



Literally 差不多

This adverb should be used to describe an action that occurs in a strict sense. Often, however, it is used inversely to emphasize a hyperbolic or figurative statement.


Example: I literally ran 300 miles today!

e.g: 我今天差不多跑了300英里!


Basically 基本上

This word is used to signal truth, simplicity, and confidence. It should signify something that is fundamental or elementary, but too often its used in the context of things that are far basic in order to create a sense of authority.


Example: Basically, he made a bad decision.

e.g. 基本上(可以说),他做了一个非常糟糕的决定。


Honestly 老实说

This word is used to assert authority or express incredulity, but very rarely does it add honesty to a statement.


Example: Honestly, I have no idea why he said that.



Like 比如

This word is spread amongst our dialogue to give the speaker more time to think or because the speaker cannot shake the habit of using the word. So often is this word used involuntarily (unconsciously) without us knowing.


Hope you guys learned something today because I sure did. I will do my best to not let my speech be conquered by what we call lazy or crutch words. Talk to you guys next time!



封面图片 | 淼淼

审核校对 | 张津