04.09 杏林趣事|煮石為引






Boiling Stone as Guiding Drug

A loving couple occasionally quarreled over a trifle , and the wife became gloomy and unhappy , she stopped eating and drinking , became ill and took to her bed. The husband asked Fu Qingzhu ( 1607-1684 ) for her diagnosis and treatment.

After hearing the whole story, FuQingzhu picked up a stone and impressed upon the husband that he should boil the stone in water until it become soft . When soft , it could be used as the guiding drug and so during the boiling the husband should add water continuously and not leave the medicine pot. The husband was so eager to restore his wife's health that he boiled the stone all through the night. Though his eyes turned red and he lost weight , he didn't feel tired.

Having seen all this, the wife couldn’t help but feel happy, and she left her bed to take his place beside the simmering stone. She also made her husband go to ask Fu Qingzhu, "Why the stone can not be boiled soft ?”

Fu Qingzhu laughed,”you can go back home,she has recovered now. Although the stone cannot be boiled soft, your true love for her has already softened her heart.”

(Adapted from Anecdotes Written by Liu Ya)

(translator Zhao Shenshen)


trifle[‘traifl] n.瑣事;vi 輕視;藐視

gloomy[‘glu:mi] adj.黑暗的;沮喪的;陰鬱的

continuously [kan’tinjuasli] adv.連續不斷的;接連的

傅山(1607-1684)明清之際道家思想家、書法家、醫學家。初名鼎臣,字青竹,改字青主,又有真山、濁翁、石人等別名,漢族,山西太原人。傅山推崇老莊之學,尤重莊學。後加入道教,自稱為老莊之徒,自覺繼承道家學派的思想文化傳統。他對老莊的"道法自然""無為而治""泰初有無""隱而不隱"等命題,都作了認真的研究與闡發,對道家傳統思想作了發展 。


第三章名醫軼事 煮石為飲