
屋主在横滨的“LOVE HOUSE”住了10年。在他从2015年开始在早稻田大学艺术与建筑学院担任教授后,从“LOVE HOUSE”到大学大约有40公里的距离,几乎每天都要坐3个小时的火车上下班,所以屋主决定建造他的第二套房子——“LOVE2 HOUSE”,这是一处两层住宅。

I lived in “LOVE HOUSE” in Yokohama for 10 years.I started to teach as a professor in Waseda University Art and Architecture School since 2015.There is about 40km distance from LOVE HOUSE to the university and it was so hard to commute for 3hours by train almost everyday.That’s the reason I decided to construct my second house,”LOVE2 HOUSE”.


The roof is composed of two HP shells.They are merged at different heights and create a simple house shape.The eaves of the roof shells shape straight to blend with the surroundings but the top of the shells are slightly curved. The seven short walls derived from the main RC skeleton separate the three zones: dining, kitchen and bedroom.The thickness of these walls is decreased for 15mm from top to bottom to install the shelf boards and the kitchen counter.

∇ 总平面 site plan

∇ 平面图 plan

∇ 立面图 elevation

∇ 剖面图 section

完整项目信息项目名称:Love2 House项目位置:日本东京都文京区项目类型:住宅空间/小宅概念完成时间:2019项目面积:19平方米设计公司:Takeshi Hosaka Architects摄影:KOJI FUJII&Nacasa&Partners Inc