“8点整”是8 o'clock,那o'的这一撇,省略了什么?

时间的表达我们小学就已经学过了,相信对于 o'clock 这个用法大家都不陌生,但你有没有想过

o'clock中的这一撇 究竟省略了什么?

An apostrophe❶is used in o'clock because the word is a contraction of the phrase "of the clock." Just like other contractions, the apostrophe takes the place of missing words or letters from a longer word or phrase.

o'clock中撇号的使用,是因为这个词是"of the clock"这个短语的缩写。就像其他的缩写一样,撇号可以代替长单词或短语中漏掉的单词或字母。

For example, the apostrophe in "don't" takes the place of o in the word "not," and the apostrophe in "you ll" takes the place of wi in the word "will."

例如,don't中的撇号代替not中的o,而you ll中的撇号代替will中的wi。

(❶apostrophe /ə pɒstrəfɪ/ n. 撇号;省略符号;所有格符号)

When we use the word o'clock we are saying that it is a particular hour "according to the clock." For example, "it is almost four o'clock" means the same as "it is almost four according to the clock."

当我们使用“o'clock”这个词时,我们是在说它是根据时钟这个计量时间的仪器而来的时间。例如,it s almost four o'clock(差不多4点)和it s almost four according to the clock(根据时钟)的意思是一样的。

However, the full phrase "of the clock" is not used by native English speakers. Always use the shortened form, "o'clock."

以英语为母语的人一般不用"of the clock"的完整形式,而会使用缩写形式o'clock。

Using the form of “o'clock” particularly increased in popularity around the eighteenth century when it became common to do a similar slurring in the names of many things

这种把of缩写成o 的习惯大约在十八世纪特别流行,那时候人们开始把很多名字发成类似的含糊的音。

such as “Will-o -the wisp” from “Will of the wisp” (stemming from a legend of an evil blacksmith named Will Smith, with “wisp” meaning “torch”) and “Jack-o -lantern” from “Jack of the lantern” (which originally just meant “man of the lantern” with “Jack,” at the time, being the generic “any man” name.

比如说“Will of the wisp(鬼火)”变成“Will-o -the wisp”(源自一个名叫威尔·史密斯的邪恶铁匠的传说,而wisp的意思是火炬)和“Jack of the lantern(杰克南瓜灯)”变成“Jack-o -lantern”(在当时,它的意思是“拿着灯笼”的“杰克”,是“任何男人”的通称。

Later, either this or the Irish legend of “Stingy Jack” got this name transferred to referring to carved pumpkins with lit candles inside).


While today with clocks being ubiquitous and few people, if anybody, telling direct time by the Sun, it isn’t necessary in most cases to specify we are referencing time from clocks, but the practice of saying “o’clock” has stuck around anyway.

虽然今天时钟无处不在,很少有人通过太阳直接报时,大多数情况下,是没有必要特地说明我们的时间是由时钟而来时间的,但“o clock”的说法仍然存在。



用钟点 + o'clock 来表示整点 。如:one o'clock 1点钟 12 (o'clock) 12点钟


①顺读:用钟点(基数词)+ 分钟的顺序直接写出时间,表示非整点后不可加o'clock.

如:ten forty 十点四十 seven ten 七点十分

②逆读:如果分钟数少于30分钟,可用“分钟 + past + 钟点”表示 past是介词意思是“过”

如:twenty past ten 十点二十

如果分钟数多于30分钟,可用“60分钟-原分钟数+ to +原小时数+ 1”。to是介词,意思是“差”,如:

11:35 可表示为twenty-five to twelve 12点差二十五分(即十一点三十五,其中的分钟数 twenty-five 是由60分钟减去35分钟得到的钟点数)

注: 当分钟数是15分钟时可用名词quarter一刻钟表示

如:7:15可表示为 a quarter past seven

12:15可表示为 a quarter past twelve


30可表示为 half past

9:30可表示为 half past nine

