
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:yzy86 转载请注明出处

It''s a weird phenomenon, but at least in Tel Aviv you can usually tell where a tourist is coming from regardless of his appearance/language of speaking. For example (beware: crude generalisations follow):

Are there similar phenomena in your country/city?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:yzy86 转载请注明出处
1、Some of the British are genetically distinct.

(回复4)or old couples dressed weirdly with socks too far up their legs.
Ahh, they must be traveling from Florida.

3、Czechs/Poles - socks and sandals combo.

Germans - they are looking for the buildings built in the past by themselves, they always wear elegant clothes.
Brits - only in Cracow, they are shouting loudly at night after few beers.
Israelis - they are probably on the trip to the Camp.
Ukrainians - these aren''t tourists in Poland. They actually living here.

(回复1)Guilty as charged on the first point (sometimes, anyway), but I actually had the opposite impression in regards to the second. I often felt underdressed in comparison to the more elegantly dressed Polish women.
(回复2)Polish Death Camp, right ? /s
(回复3) They always wear light hiking gear, even when in town or in restaurants.
(回复4)Seconded. I once took a Polish class in Cracow and showed up to my first day of school in my hiking sandals. Teacher could tell I was German right away.
4、Brits : Use far too much sunscreen, still get sunburns.
5、It''s funny, while me and my brother were in a really busy part of Paris, two French guys came up to us and asked us something in French. We smiled and said we didn''t speak French and we all laughed. I think it might be because my brother is skinny (lots of French people seem skinny to me), but I''m pretty fat so who knows.

6、Americans: bottle of water in hand, if not asking for water
Italians: winter jacket all the time
Polish: mumbling something in their language expecting we can understand.
(回复1)Do you know how lonely we feel when no one can understand us? :(

Russians: Rich (or at least dress like it), have some strange manners, almost always with expensive sunglasses. Russians are probably the #1 easiest to guess just based on clothing, but I can''t explain exactly how.
CZ/SK: These ones stand out a bit because of clothes too, but not flashy like Russians. Just a lot have the ''modest'' version of the general slav style I guess. They seem to really like the outdoors stuff (fishing, swimming, camping, zipline, etc) more than most people.
Germany: Very... task oriented. Easily frustrated by our casualness, but mostly polite and always clean.
Arabs: Mixed bag. Moroccans and Lebanese tend to be the friendliest and most easy going, others are quite rude and make ridiculous requests.
South Americans: Also a mixed bag. Argentines can be quite rude, Chileans remind me of Americans in that they are often very curious and ask a lot of questions. Brasilians always try to speak Spanish and it sounds awful, but are also very pleasant and curious. Vzla/Colombians tend to vary a lot, Peruvians I''ve met tend to be strange and sort of always give off the vibe that they are bored or uninterested. All South Americans also dress in a way that makes them obvious but is hard for me to really state exactly why.

I''ll stop there, but those are the big groups we see a lot of anyways.
(回复1)I want to be offended, but it''s true Argentinian tourists are so often insufferable.
(Am half Argentinian)
(回复2)Let me guess. The rude Arabs are from the Gulf states?
(回复3)Russians are probably the #1 easiest to guess just based on clothing, but I can''t explain exactly how.
To me, they look like they just got out of a Dynasty episode.
(回复4)Probably different kind of what we have here, they looks like they just emptied Adidas or Nike outlet :)
10、Germans: Are either prepared for the Apocalypse with a tight schedule, or get stuck on every Mountain higher than 50m.
Americans: Seem to be easily excited by everything, talk quite a lot and loud. Perfectly nice people mostly. Great interest in everything Hitler related it seems.
Czechs: The main attraction for them seems to be getting picked up by the Mountain Rescue Service. Shoutout to the Bergrettung Salzburg at this Point.

Chinese: Have no clue where they are, take Pictures of street signs, rubble, People, the sky etc. Never leave their Bus.
UK: Drunk.As.Fuck. Or on honeymoon, but also utterly plastered.
Austrians: My favourite ones, can''t complain. But why are you here exactly, is it cheaper or something?
Aussies: Good fun, spend most of their time buying Souvenirs and taking up parking spots at the lakeside.
(回复1)The main reason the Aussies are better than the Brits is probably because our Drunk.As.Fuck Aussies tend to stay inside SE Asia.
(回复2)Fuck, didn''t know we pull off the exact same shit in every country. We just love the outdoors man.
(回复3)What I have learned about americans from here and from my interaction with them here in tokyo irl is that they mostly feign it. It''s cultural and and a polite thing to do for them.
I was so puzzled when I had no idea about it.

11、Older fat guy with a 20-something fit blonde wife? Always Russian.

14、We don''t have many where I live, but Chinese and Japanese are almost always in groups and take photos non-stop, and Americans are detectable by dressing super casually and often in bright colours, also tend to speak loudly and in exaggerated manner ("WOW AMAYYYZING!!!"). When I''m abroad myself, I usually spot fellow Germans by the socks/sandals combo, Brits seem to have an aversion to/lack of knowledge about the existence of sunscreen so they''re often pasty white on day one and lobster red on day two

15、The ones I can recognise the most are the chinese because there''s buses full of them and they always seem to travel in large groups, and french because I instantly recognise the accent.
16、Yes, your regular Finnish tourist.

(回复1)Ah yes, the booze rally.
But seriously, if all the lakes were beer instead of water, there would be Finns trying their very best to drink them completely empty.

17、As an American finally planning my first trip to Europe, I''m taking notes of what not to do.
I really don''t want to be the Ugly American abroad.
18、Russian males: Never stop talking
19、I can tell a tourist''s nationality by looks (as long as they are from within Europe) with great precision and the moment they open their mouth, it is a dead giveaway.
20、Americans- usually wearing trainer''s and cream coloured trousers, and are obsessed with Beatles stuff.
French- for some reason it always seems to be a load of kids on a school trip with a few fed up teachers
Spanish- always seem to have winter wear on, even in the summer and talk very loudly
Norwegians-usually decked out in Liverpool scarves and buying loads of drinks as it is so cheap
Irish- usually over here for a cheap weekend on the booze so usually wasted (but in a good way)